Until last month, I did not fully understand the effects of alcohol. Sure, I'd experienced a tipsy night out and enjoyed the next day's lovely hangover. But when I gave up alcohol (one of many rules of the Whole30 program, which I did in January), I gradually became aware of how much things change when you part with your Pinot noir.
I definitely experienced health perks I was able to focus my energy on high-quality foods over coffee, didn't have liquor-induced late night cravings, and made it to more morning workout classes than usual. Yet what shocked me was how much my social life shifted over the course of 30 days.

A friend's request to meet for a "quick drink" led to my long explanation about my no-alcohol decision, and the few times I made an effort to meet friends at a bar were pretty exhausting. One time, I even purposely withheld the fact that I was abstaining from a friend who wanted to meet at his favorite pub. I didn't want him to feel awkward or pressured to change the location.
I'll admit I went slightly overboard and scarfed down one too many slices of pizza after my first post-Whole30 night out. But saying no to alcohol provided enough benefits. Don't just listen to me-here's what Health staffers and contributors had to say about their month going booze-free.
"I was more productive on weekends because I wasn't drunk-eating pizza."
"I was doing Whole30, so this was the first time I ever attempted abstaining from alcohol for an extended period of time. At first, it felt empowering that I could attend social events without using wine as a crutch. Plus, I was more productive on the weekends because I wasn't drunk-eating pizza. I also wasn't hungover, so I had more time to cook healthy meals. Then during my last week sans alcohol, all I wanted was a drink. More than the drinking itself, I missed the process of getting ready for a big night out and having my friends over for a chat and a few beers before going to our favorite bar. Now that my month is over, I think I'll drink with more moderation, but I won't give it up completely."