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Foreign holdings of Chinese bonds have jumped 50 per cent in the past two years as overseas investors have seized on Beijings push to open up its estimated Rmb73tn ($11tn) fixed-income market.

But, if some commentators are to be believed, we have not seen anything yet.
Despite the buying spree, foreigners still only held Rmb921bn of Chinese bonds in October, according to data from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Citi, as the chart below shows.
At just 1.86 per cent of the market, this is a smaller share (of an admittedly fast-growing market) than in early 2015.
But inclusion in the worlds major bond indices, which some believe is more a question ofwhenthanif”, could catalyse far greater flows.
Analysts at Citi estimate that Chinas inclusion in the JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets, Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate and London Stock Exchange Groups World Government Bond Index would deliver additional inflows of $779bn by 2025.
花旗分析师估计,如果中国被纳入摩根大通(JPMorgan)新兴市场政府债券指数(GBI-EM)、彭博巴克莱全球综合指数(Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate)和伦敦证券交易所集团(London Stock Exchange Group)的全球政府债券指数(WGBI),到2025年将有7790亿美元的额外资金流入。
About $250bn of this would come merely from passive investors, whose behaviour is easiest to predict, as shown in the table below.
Rob Drijkoningen, head of emerging market debt at asset manager Neuberger Berman, sees potential for at least $250bn-$300bn to flood into China if and when it is included in the indices, noting thatsome foreign investors are looking at larger allocations than the benchmarks would provide”.
资产管理公司Neuberger Berman新兴市场债务负责人罗布?德里科宁根(Rob Drijkoningen)认为,如果中国被纳入上述指数,至少有2500亿至3000亿美元的资金可能会涌入中国。他指出,“一些外国投资者正在研究高于指数权重的配置”。
We are very excited with the China opportunity. Its a policy priority [for Beijing] to open up the capital markets,” adds Mr Drijkoningen, who says that Neuberger Berman is currently hiring credit analysts to beef up its fixed-income team in Shanghai in readiness for a fund launch next year.
“我们对中国的机会感到非常兴奋。(对于北京方面来说),开放资本市场是政策优先,”德里科宁根补充道。他说,Neuberger Berman目前正在招聘信用分析师来充实其上海固定收益团队,筹备明年推出一个基金。
Chinas gradualist approach to opening up its bond market mirrors that for its mainland equities, which are due to be incorporated into the all-powerful MSCI Emerging Markets index for the first time in May, albeit at a relatively low initial weight.
中国逐步开放债券市场的做法,跟对待A股的做法类似。明年6月,中国A股将首次被纳入强大的MSCI新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Markets index),尽管初始权重相对较低。
Some foreign banks were granted access to the onshore interbank bond market in 2010. In February 2016, Beijing took a step further when it allowed mid- and long-term foreign institutional investors recognised by the Peoples Bank of China to trade without prior approval or quota restrictions.
In July of this year, it launched a Shanghai-Hong Kong bond connect programme, allowing foreign fund managers to trade in the interbank bond market without having to set up accounts onshore.
Mr Drijkoningen says that 200 funds are already using bond connect, a figure he expects to growexponentially”, while 282 foreigncommercial entitiesand 63 sovereign wealth funds and central banks are active in the interbank market.
To date, however, these initiatives have not been met with promises of index inclusion by the guardians of the worlds major bond indices.
Bloomberg and Citi, which formerly ran the World Government Bond Index now operated by the LSE, opted instead for thecheekyapproach, in the words of Mr Drijkoningen, of creating additional benchmarks that do include China.
Given the inertia of the fund management industry, however, “very few [investors] will normally choose the [new] benchmark,” says Mr Drijkoningen.
Bloomberg says that it is not able to say how much money is tracking its new Global Aggregate + China and EM Local Currency Government + China indices.
彭博表示,目前还无法判断追踪其新的全球综合+中国指数(Global Aggregate + China)和新兴市场本地货币政府债券+中国指数(EM Local Currency Government + China)的资金有多少。
The LSE Group says that because its WGBI-Extended index, which includes China, is a new indexwe dont have much public data for AUM [assets under management] inflows at this stage”.
JPMorgan does include China in its CEMBI Broad Diversified Index, which is tracked by $90bn of assets and covers dollar-denominated corporate debt, but only because these bonds are issued under non-domestic law, are traded outside China and are settled by international clearing systems.
摩根大通将中国债券纳入了其新兴市场企业债券多元分散指数(CEMBI Broad Diversified Index),该指数受到900亿美元的资产追踪,涵盖以美元计价的企业债券,但是因为这些债券是根据非国内法发行,因此在中国境外进行交易并通过国际清算系统完成结算。
However, Chinese bonds are still excluded from JPMorgans more widely followed GBI-EM Global Diversified index, although they are onIndex Watchto be reassessed for eligibility in 2018.
然而,中国债券仍被排除在摩根大通受到更广泛追踪的全球新兴市场多元化债券指数(GBI-EM Global Diversified)之外,不过被列入了指数观察(Index Watch)名单,其纳入资格将于2018年接受重新评估。
JPM says that while bond connect was apositive step in providing offshore investors access to the local market?.?.?.?the platform needs to establish a track record sufficient for dedicated managers to replicate potential index exposurebefore China could be included in the GBI-EM.
Investors also want the Chinese authoritiesto explore ways to make the market scalable for foreign investors”, the bank adds.
The LSE Group, which plans to add China to its EM Government Bond and Asian Government Bond indices in February, says it does not havea definite timetableto review the countrys inclusion in its flagship WGBI, but adds that the subjectis kept under review in consultation with customersand thatthere will probably be another consultation in 2018”.
伦敦证交所计划于明年2月把中国纳入其新兴市场政府债券指数(EM Government Bond)和亚洲政府债券指数(Asian Government Bond)。它表示,目前没有评估何时把中国纳入其旗舰指数全球政府债券指数的“明确时间表”,但补充称该问题“正在征求客户意见”而且“可能会在2018年再次征求意见”。
Mr Drijkoningen is hopeful that China will break into one of the flagship indices by late 2018 or mid 2019, albeit at a low weighting which is then gradually raised over the course of six to 12 months.
Having seen various reforms in China we are at the stage where the hard criteria are more or less met,” he argues.
If you are sticking strictly to the rule book you can make a case that inclusion is imminent, but index operators rely a lot on the feedback they get from investors. They want to see that the infrastructure that is in place is perfectly usable and is being used.”
Despite this caveat, Mr Drijkoningen says that when one of the big index providers decides that China has made the grade, “it will be hardfor the others to resist, meaning that foreign inflows couldsnowball”.
The eventual inclusion of China would create losers as well as winners, however, given that the addition of such a heavyweight market would reduce the weighting of other countries, meaning that they could see foreign investors cut their exposure as they readjust their books.
China has a weighting of 5.3 per cent in Bloombergs Global Aggregate + China Index, which includes 155 Chinese Treasury bonds and 232 bonds issued by the countrys state-ownedpolicybanks, with a combined market value of $2.8tn.


Unsurprisingly, the Middle Kingdoms weight in Bloombergs EM Local Currency Government + China Index is far higher still, at 37.8 per cent, elbowing smaller countries aside.

And while China accounts for 8.1 per cent of JPMorgans CEMBI Broad Diversified Index, it is almost certain to constitute 10 per cent of the JPM GBI-EM (the maximum allowable), if and when it gains entry.
Brazil and Mexico, the two countries already at the 10 per cent cap, are likely to retain their weighting, meaning that the pain will be primarily felt by the countries just below this, such as Indonesia (9.6 per cent), Poland (9 per cent) and Thailand (8.1 per cent).
Upon full inclusion [China] would substantially reduce the weight of other regions and countries in the benchmark,” says JPMorgan.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inertia [i'nə:ʃjə]


n. 惯性,惰性

quota ['kwəutə]


n. 配额,限额,最低票数

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

constitute ['kɔnstitju:t]


vt. 构成,建立,任命





