Private companies in China are practised at staying one step ahead of their government. Western investors are less sure-footed. A Chinese crackdown on new online lenders extended the selloff in shares of micro-lender Qudian, which listed in the US last month. The stock closed more than a fifth below its listing price on Tuesday.
The Alibaba-backed credit service announced a $100m buyback programme amounting to less than 2 per cent of the public float on the same day that the news broke. Given it only just sold stock to the US public, and had negative equity of $357m as of June, this is a curious use of the proceeds. The move may, however, help prop up the value of chief executive Min Luo’s billion-dollar stake in the controlling share class.
China has not banned online lending for existing companies. But even if Qudian benefits from reduced competition, its business model is exposed to other regulatory headwinds. The People’s Bank of China on Friday said it would prohibit asset-management products that guarantee investment returns from next summer. The group relies on similar funding channels for its own lending activity. It records service fees for facilitating loans by trusts and banks, but remains liable for principle and interest shortfalls.

Qudian’s IPO occurred a day before the congress of China’s Communist party. As expected, scrutiny regarding financial leverage soon intensified. Peer-to-peer lending platforms such as Ping An’s Lufax were already subjected to tougher rules earlier this year. Qudian’s bad loan ratio has also been called into question, after comments by Mr Luo that delinquent debt had been written off as charity payments to borrowers.
趣店在今年的中国共产党全国代表大会召开前一天首次公开发行(IPO)。正如预期的那样,对财务杠杆的审查很快就收紧了。今年早些时候,像平安(Ping An)旗下陆金所(Lufax)这样的个人对个人(P2P)借款平台就受到了更严格的管控。趣店的不良贷款率也已引发质疑,此前罗敏表示,过期不还的款项都一笔勾销,就当福利送给借款人了。
Investors should give the company a wide berth. A better bet is Ping An Insurance, which is refashioning itself as a financial data sponge. After a 120 per cent year-to-date rally it is the world’s second-largest insurer after Berkshire Hathaway. Even if the Chinese fintech frenzy fizzles, Ping An has a strong and legitimate business to fall back on.
Ping An Insurance)是一个更好的选择,它正将自身重塑为一个金融数据库。今年至今,在实现了120%的反弹后,平安已成为全球仅次于伯克希尔哈撒韦(
Berkshire Hathaway)的第二大保险公司。哪怕要是中国的金融科技狂潮以失败告终,平安仍有强大且合法的业务可以依靠。