I'm a 63-year-old woman and I'm having problems with confidence. I have never been a very outgoing person, but lately this has extended to my family. I love them all very much, but when they visit, I feel totally uncomfortable and relieved when they go.
I feel the same with my husband, who's only home at weekends. I have to go to work, as I need the money, so I do cleaning for elderly people in their homes.
I can't even go to the doctor, as I just have no confidence with people, although I have to go once a year because I have type 1 diabetes. Even then I worry about it for weeks beforehand and on the day of the appointment I feel so panicked.
It feels so silly to get to my age and be like this when other people seem to have gained confidence over the years. I feel so ashamed of the way I feel and cannot tell anyone except my husband. What do you suggest?

It sounds to me as if you could be suffering from anxiety, and there's a talking therapy called cognitive ?behavioural therapy that's effective.
Why not do some research online - the mental health charity Mind has some great information on anxiety and panic attacks. And why not schedule a call with your doctor in the first instance and talk over the phone about how you're feeling?
If you're on medication that may also be having an impact. Plus, speak to your family - they will want to support you. It's not silly, you're experiencing genuine mental and physical distress. But I think keeping it to yourself is making you worse.
Just because you're 63 doesn't mean you're immune to certain feelings or conditions - every stage in life brings challenges. It's good you've recognised that the way you're feeling isn't normal - that's the first step to getting better.
Now you need to gather a bit more strength and share how you feel with your doctor and your loved ones.