"The Six", a documentary made by British director Arthur Jones, is going to tell the story of six Chinese survivors from the legendary liner Titanic when it perished in 1912.
Jones said the documentary will focus on who the six survivors are, how they survived and why they vanished from the records.
"Out of over 700 survivors of the Titanic disaster, the six Chinese people were the only ones who never told their stories," said Jones.

Their absence has left some questions unanswered, including a claim that they were stowaways on lifeboats.
Jones and his research team believed this rumor was out of racist background and full of injustice.
"We visited a large number of museums, searched and studied many evidence," Jones said. "There is no single evidence to prove the Chinese survivors were stowaways. I believe they did not do anything dishonorable."
The documentary is scheduled to be released next year.