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5.Henri-Georges Clouzot



Henri-Georges Clouzot was a groundbreaking French director known for his thrilling, Hitchcock-esque dramas like 1953's The Wages of Fear and 1955's Les Diaboliques. His films were no-nonsense, and likewise, his treatment of actors involved little humor. Like Werner Herzog, Clouzot often strove for realism in his films. For example, in Les Diaboliques, when students were supposed to be eating rotten fish, they were instructed to eat actual rotten fish .

Suzy Delair and Clouzot were a couple for 12 years, and the actress later starred in two of his films. Remarking on Clouzot's manipulation of actors, Delair said, "So what? He slapped others as well. (... ) He was tough, but I'm not about to complain." Clouzot repeatedly slapped around cast members to alter their emotional state and gave Bernard Blier a real blood transfusion in Quai des Orfevres, but perhaps the worst was his treatment of actress Brigitte Bardot on the set of his 1960 film, La Verite.
The two clashed significantly, especially after a scene where Clouzot plied Bardot with alcohol and had her consume numerous sleeping pills, only to get her stomach pumped shortly after filming the scene. At one point, Clouzot was so fed up that he shook her by the shoulders, screaming, "I don't need amateurs in my films. I want an actress!" Bardot responded with a slap and the reply, "And I need a director, not a psychopath!"
Most of Clouzot's treatment of actors also stemmed from pessimism, something he tried to portray in films by revealing the subtler evils of humanity, which he learned from spending five years in a sanatorium for tuberculosis. Clouzot was a mentally tortured soul later in his life, but his actors were the ones physically tortured.

4.Alfred Hitchcock



Cinema's master of suspense is notable for his films as well as his eccentric personality and iconic image. And while most of his movies were successful and certainly thrilling, his famous remark that "actors should be treated like cattle" outlines the mentality he held for his stars.

His first of many recorded instances of actor abuse occurred on the set of his 1935 film, The 39 Steps. He would announce lead actress Madeline Carroll's presence on-set by yelling, "Bring on the Birmingham tart!" and would leave her handcuffed to her costar for hours on end, claiming to have lost the key (an act that caused bruises). Other times, when he wanted a sincere reaction of surprise or shock, Hitchcock would undo his belt as if he was going to expose himself to the actress.
This wasn't an isolated incident, however, and many of Hitchcock's cruelties resulted from his notorious penchant for blonde female leads. He took pleasure in agitating his actresses with crude sexual jokes, even going as far as making up a story about sleeping with Ingrid Bergman and having actress Janet Leigh filmed in the shower for a six-day shooting period for 1960's Psycho.
But by far, the worst was his treatment of lead Tippi Hedren while shooting 1963's The Birds. Like many of his prior leads, Hedren was a blonde whom Hitchcock became infatuated with. After she refused some of his advances, Hitchcock had live birds attached to Hedren instead of mechanical ones for the shooting of a scene, which ultimately required her to be hospitalized.
Donald Spoto's book Spellbound by Beauty outlined some of the abuse behind the scenes: Hitchcock requested Hedren to be sexually available to him in their contract and practically ruined her career by turning down numerous film roles on her behalf as per the contract's terms. Regardless, the release of the book and its 2012 HBO adaptation The Girl has at last revealed Hedren's story.

3.Akira Kurosawa



Akira Kurosawa is likely most known for his international success with films like Seven Samurai and Yojimbo as well as being one of the best filmmakers in the world. His trademarks seem to be in distinct imagery (like in 1990's Dreams) and the extremity with which he'll operate in every facet of his films.

It was this mentality that Kurosawa treated lead actor Toshiro Mifune with during the filming of 1961's Throne of Blood. Not satisfied with Mifune's reaction of fear upon nearly getting shot with arrows in one of the later scenes, Kurosawa decided to have real arrows shot at the actor.
Although the arrows were being shot by professional marksmen, there was still the risk of injury if Mifune moved an inch, and the experience proved a haunting experience for the actor. However, it certainly got the display of fear across.

2.Stanley Kubrick



This director's reputation as an absolute perfectionist and contributor to the art form precedes him. Stanley Kubrick would often film upwards of 50 takes for a particular scene to get the absolute best version and to allow actors to not consciously think about their acting. As one can imagine, this method proved strenuous on some people he worked with.

The filming of 1980's The Shining was particularly tumultuous, with Kubrick pushing his actors to the limit with numerous methodical shoots. Shelley Duvall constantly butted heads with Kubrick and was emotionally exhausted from 12-hour shoots and being away from family for a year. Scatman Crothers also suffered under Kubrick, reportedly breaking down in front of the director crying and later vowing to never work with him again. Behind-the-scenes footage was recorded by Kubrick's 19-year-old daughter, and the extent to which the actors were worked is explicitly shown with Jack Nicholson's manic personality, daily script rewrites, and Duvall losing hair and chain-smoking from the stress.
Kubrick's methods didn't always prove cruel or fruitless to his actors, however. Many saw the importance of his perfectionism and how it transformed them as actors. Many of his breaks on-set were devoted to talking to the actors about their characters.

1.David O. Russell



Besides being known for several Academy Award nominations for films like 2010's The Fighter or 2013's American Hustle, David O. Russell is likely best-known for his poor temperament with some of his actors.

Actor George Clooney and Russell notoriously didn't get along, having worked together on both ER and 1999's Three Kings. Their feud escalated into a physical confrontation on the set of the latter, when Clooney objected to Russell yelling at a crew member, telling him, "David, it's a big day. But you can't shove, push, or humiliate people who aren't allowed to defend themselves." Russell then instigated with several headbutts, after which Clooney grabbed him by the throat, resulting in a fight so bad that Clooney referred to it as the worst experience of his life.
Perhaps one of the more infamous examples of director-actor confrontations was in Russell's arguments on the set of 2004's I Heart Huckabees with actress Lily Tomlin. Videos of the heated confrontations were leaked onto YouTube and are shocking, to say the least, with actress and director hurling numerous obscenities at each other.
Although Tomlin revealed she quickly made up with the director, new rumors, like Russell getting into heated arguments with Jennifer Lawrence while filming Joy, don't sound too hard to believe.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confrontation [.kɔnfrʌn'teiʃən]


n. 对审,面对面,面对

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

alter ['ɔ:ltə]


v. 改变,更改,阉割,切除

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会

adaptation [.ædæp'teiʃən]


n. 改编,改编成的作品,适应

shove [ʃʌv]


n. 推,挤
v. 推挤,放置,撞

distinct [dis'tiŋkt]


adj. 独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的

contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]


n. 合同,契约,婚约,合约
v. 订合同,缩

consume [kən'sju:m]


v. 消耗,花费,挥霍

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科





