Having a little wine or beer to unwind most days may help lower the odds of a premature death as long as that drink or two doesn’t routinely turn into more, a new study confirms. Researchers examined health survey data on more than 333,000 US adults, following them for an average of about eight years to see how their drinking habits influenced their survival odds.
Compared with people who never had a drop of alcohol, light to moderate drinkers were more than 20% less likely to die early of any cause, or of heart disease in particular, the study found.
Heavy drinkers and binge drinkers, however, were at least 10% more likely to die from any cause during the study, and they had at least 20% higher odds of an early death from cancer in particular.
“If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation,” said lead study author Dr Bo Xi of the School of Public Health at Shandong University in China.
“喝酒一定要适度,”本研究的首席作者、中国山东大学公共卫生学院的Bo Xi博士说。
Heavy drinking has long been linked to a variety of medical problems including liver disease, heart disease and certain cancers. But previous research has offered an inconclusive picture of the survival odds associated with light or moderate drinking.
The current analysis attempts to tackle two issues that have contributed to inconsistent results in much of the earlier research: abstainer bias’ and sick quitter bias.’ Many other studies compared moderate drinkers to people who currently didn’t drink, making it impossible to separate people who stopped drinking due to addiction or other health reasons from people who were lifelong abstainers.

To exclude sick quitters,’ the current study left out people who died in the first two years of follow-up. To avoid abstainer bias,’ researchers created separate categories for adults who never drank at all and for ex-drinkers.
They sorted adults into six categories for the current study: lifetime abstainers; people who have always had alcohol on rare occasions; ex-drinkers; current light drinkers who have fewer than three drinks a week; moderate drinkers (more than three drinks a week but fewer than 14 for men or 7 for women); or heavy drinkers (more than 14 for men or 7 for women).