According to new US research filling up on leafy green vegetables could be a factor in keeping your brain healthy later in life, thanks to a nutrient called lutein. Carried out by the University of Illinois, the researchers set out to see if there was a notable difference in cognitive function between younger and middle-age participants with higher and lower lutein levels.
Most previous studies have looked at lutein levels in older adults, after there has already been a period of cognitive decline, however the new study recruited 60 participants aged 25 to 45.
"As people get older, they experience typical decline. However, research has shown that this process can start earlier than expected. You can even start to see some differences in the 30s," said Anne Walk, first author of the paper. "We want to understand how diet impacts cognition throughout the lifespan. If lutein can protect against decline, we should encourage people to consume lutein-rich foods at a point in their lives when it has maximum benefit."
Anne Walk)说道。"我们想要了解在整个生命周期中,饮食对人们认知的影响。如果叶黄素能防止认知功能衰退,我们就应该鼓励人们在生命中的某个阶段多吃一些富含叶黄素的食物,因为这个阶段能带来最大的益处。"

Lutein is a nutrient that the body can't make on its own but it can be acquired through diet. As well as green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, it is also found in foods such as avocados and eggs. To measure levels of the nutrient in the participants the researchers looked at the participants' eyes, where lutein accumulates in the tissue, asking them look into a scope and respond to a flickering light.
While the participants performed a task to measure their attention, the researchers used electrodes on the scalps to measure neural activity in the brain.
The results showed that, "The neuro-electrical signature of older participants with higher levels of lutein looked much more like their younger counterparts than their peers with less lutein," explained Walk, adding that, "Lutein appears to have some protective role, since the data suggest that those with more lutein were able to engage more cognitive resources to complete the task."
"Now there's an additional reason to eat nutrient-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, eggs and avocados," concluded Naiman Khan, a professor of kinesiology and community health at Illinois. "We know these foods are related to other health benefits, but these data indicate that there may be cognitive benefits as well."