How do you define love? Well, this is probably the most difficult question to answer. While every person has their own perception of it, the fact cannot be denied that it's a territory that's full of ambiguity. You may think you are head over heels in love with someone but are you really? What if this strong feeling of connect purely emerges from emotional dependency? Well, at times, it gets rather difficult to see the difference between the two. But, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it does not exist.
If you too are in a relationship that reeks of emotional dependency, then you better get up and smell the coffee. Ladies, you shouldn't make life-impacting decisions based on temporary feelings. Now, we understand that it's not easy to see--but there are signs and you should not ignore them. Here are a few:

You Don't Let Him Spend Time With Anyone Else
There's no denying that you absolutely love spending time with your partner, but that doesn't mean you have a copyright over him. You both are free individuals who are allowed to divide their time accordingly. But, if you get extremely jealous when you see him spending time with his friends or family it means you just cannot stand the idea of him investing his energy elsewhere. And that's not healthy. Also, this is not love but a case of acute emotional dependency.
You Have Changed Yourself For Him
Earlier you used to hate sports, but now you have turned into a gym rat because your partner loves working out. Now, if it is making you happy then it's great. However, if you hate spending time in the gym but you do it anyway to please your partner then it's a red sign. You don't really need to change who you are for the sake of your partner--especially if it's making you unhappy. And if the only reason you are doing this is to win the approval of your partner then it's really not worth it.