China’s Anbang Insurance Group said it will sue respected investigative news magazine Caixin, as well as its editor Hu Shuli, for what it has called “slanderous” allegations about its finances and chairman.
中国安邦保险集团(Anbang Insurance Group)表示,针对调查性新闻杂志《财新》(Caixin)有关安邦财务及安邦董事长的所谓诽谤性指控,安邦将起诉《财新》及其主编胡舒立。
In an open letter addressed to Ms Hu, published on Wednesday morning on Anbang Group’s official site and dated May 1, the company’s legal department said that Anbang has “decided to sue you [Ms Hu] and Caixin media”.
The letter said Anbang will also file suit in Canada against Guo Tingbing, author of a recent Caixin cover story that made claims about financial irregularities at the insurer. It concludes:
We firmly hold that today in a country ruled according to the law, it is impermissible for any media company to abuse the right to speech to act recklessly for the sake of an interest group; we also firmly hold the law will safeguard the right to exist of any enterprise engaged in lawful operations!

The open letter repeats accusations of libel levied by the company when it first threatened at the weekend to sue the magazine, which in 2015 also reported that Anbang chairman Wu Xiaohui, who married the granddaughter of former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, was divorced.
作为对安邦早先声明的回应,财新传媒(Caixin Media)表示这家民营保险公司的指控是“罔顾事实的构陷之举”,并表示“对安邦声明之诬蔑行为,我司予以强烈谴责,并保留法律追诉的权利。”
In a response to Anbang’s earlier statement, Caixin Media said the privately-owned insurer’s allegations were “completely fabricated” and that it “strongly condemns Anbang’s defamatory statements, and reserves the right to bring legal actions moving forward.”
安邦于2014年因其对纽约华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria hotel)的收购而赢得了国际知名度。那次收购启动了安邦一轮收购狂潮。去年,安邦未能完成对美国保险公司信保人寿(Fidelity & Guaranty Life)和酒店集团喜达屋(Starwood)的收购,这轮收购潮陷入停顿。
Anbang gained international prominence in 2014 with its purchase of the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York, kicking off an acquisition spree that has ground to a halt in the past year as it failed to complete takeover bids for US insurer Fidelity & Guaranty Life and hotels group Starwood.
更近一些时候,吴小晖曾在去年与美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)的女婿兼顾问贾里德?库什纳(Jared Kushner)举行磋商,讨论一宗可能的房地产交易,不过该交易最终未能落实。