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Prison can be an incredibly violent place and since the people who are locked up have plenty of time on their hands, they have come up with some pretty inventive ways to try to hurt each other and correction officers. All of these weapons were actually found in prisons throughout the world, and in some cases, they were even used.


10.Shiv Hidden in Cross



Shivs, which are handmade knives, are the most common type of weapon made in prison and they are most commonly made from toothbrushes. Toothbrushes are easy to get and they are either filed down to a point or something sharp, like a razor blade, is embedded in it.

However, this shiv hidden in a cross is a whole different story. It was found in the city prison in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, in 1994. At the time that it was found, making shivs concealed in crosses in the workshops was a bit of a cottage industry for the inmates. Eventually, the guards caught on and thecross weapons were confiscated.

9.Radio Bomb



One of the most inventive ways that someone thought of attacking a fellow inmate was dreamt up by South Carolinian serial killer Donald Henry "Peewee" Gaskins. Between 1953 and 1982, Gaskins killed at least eight people in South Carolina, but confessed to killing over 100 people. In May 1976, he was sentenced to death. However, later that year in November, the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional, so Gaskins' sentence was commuted to life. However, Gaskins wouldn't stay off death row for very long.

In 1982, a man named Tony Cimo contacted Gaskins in prison. Cimo wanted Gaskins to kill another prisoner, Rudolph Tyner. Tyner had been convicted of killing Cimo's mother and stepfather in a botched robbery.
Over the next several weeks, Gaskins attempted to kill Tyner in several different ways, like poisoning his food, but then he somehow got hold of some C4. Gaskins put the C4 and a transmitter in a radio, and then he gave the radio to Tyner. He told Tyner that he had rigged the radio so that they could communicate through them, like Walkie-Talkies. Gaskins then told Tyner to put the radio close to his head at a specific time to talk. Tyner believed him, and Gaskins detonated the bomb from his cell, killing Tyner. Gaskins admitted to laughing so hard that it would have been the last thing that Tyner heard; well, besides the C4 detonating.
Gaskins was again found guilty of murder, and by this time the death penalty in South Carolina had been reinstated. Gaskins was sentenced to death again and "the Meanest Man in America," as he was called in the press, was executed on September 6, 1991, at the age of 58 via the electric chair.

8.Razor Whip



This nasty piece of work isn't so much clever as it is frightening. It was discovered in the Fuhlsbüttel Prison in Hamburg, Germany in 1996, in the cell of a drug addict. It was found after the inmate got into some trouble in the prison. He wanted more methadone and when he didn't get it, he grabbed a knife and threatened a nurse.

After threatening the nurse, the inmate's cell was searched and inside they found the whip. We know, surprise, surprise, the drug addicted prison inmate didn't think things through. Had he threatened her with the whip, he might have been able to get more methadone, gotten high and then lost the whip. Instead, he got nothing, except for a few days in solitary confinement.




On September 19, 2011, Lorenzo Pollard, who was doing time for theft and resisting arrest at a medium security prison in St. Louis, Missouri, showed that sometimes the simplest weapons can be the most effective. We're also guessing that if he had to pick a favorite Ninja Turtle, he'd go with Michelangelo.

In his cell, Pollard made a set of nunchucks out of a bed sheet and a chair. Then, using his makeshift nunchucks, he managed to fight off about a dozen guards, scaled a fence, and escaped. He lasted on the lam for two days before he was arrested again.

6.Jolly Rancher Shiv

6. Jolly Ranchers


Being able to eat candies is probably one of the few small luxuries that people in prison get to experience. However, some inmates have jeopardized this luxury by making candy into weapons. Amazingly, this is such a common route to create a weapon that it was implemented into the plot of Orange is the New Black.

One candy that has been used to make a weapon is Jolly Ranchers, which are made into shivs. To make the shiv, inmates place the candies in a single file on aluminum foil, and then wrap it up. Then they heat the tinfoil wrapped candies and this melts them together into one long stick. Once it's a single stick, then it's just a matter of sharpening one end of it. This leaves the inmate with a sharp and durable weapon, and it is also easy to dispose of. An inmate can simply bite off the sharp end and dissolve it in his or her mouth. So prisoners can either stab someone or get some candy; talk about versatility!
一种用来制造武器的糖是Jolly Ranchers,它们被制成shiv刀。囚犯将糖用一片铝箔包起来,然后加热,将糖融化成一根长棍。全部融化后,就只用再把长棍一段压尖了。这样囚犯就得到了一把锋利耐用的武器,而且很容易销毁。囚犯只用咬断锋利的末端,让它在嘴里融化。所以囚犯可以要么刺伤某人,要么得到一些糖:真是用途广泛!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .

embedded [im'bedid]


adj. 植入的,内含的,深入的 v. 埋入,植入,深入

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

foil [fɔil]


n. 箔,箔纸,陪衬物,(击剑运动用的)花剑, 钝头剑<

solitary ['sɔlitəri]


adj. 孤独的,独立的,单个的,唯一的,荒凉的

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.





