Chinese tycoon Wang Jianlin is not accustomed to setbacks — least of all those dealt by his own government.
Since founding Dalian Wanda as a local real estate business, Mr Wang has become one of China’s richest and most influential men. His global property and entertainment empire includes theme parks, hotels, football clubs, theatre chains and Hollywood studios.
在国内创办房地产企业大连万达(Dalian Wanda)以后,王健林很快成为了中国最富有和最具影响力的人士之一。他的全球房地产及娱乐帝国包括主题公园、酒店、足球俱乐部、连锁影院以及好莱坞电影公司。
But his run of good fortune stalled in March, when his planned $1bn purchase of US TV production company, Dick Clark Productions fell apart amid worries about outbound investment depleting China’s foreign currency reserves.
但他的好运气在今年3月遇挫。由于中国政府担心对外投资损耗外汇储备,他拟议以10亿美元收购美国电视制作公司——迪克?克拉克制片公司(Dick Clark Productions)的交易告吹。
For the first time, Mr Wang, known simply as “the Chairman” to his employees at Dalian Wanda, has broken silence on the manoeuvrings that led to the collapse of the deal — and what it means for his empire.
The former army officer confirmed to the Financial Times that Chinese currency controls had scuttled the deal — the biggest outbound entertainment investment by China so far this year, although he also cited unspecified pushback from the US.
In a freewheeling interview, he laid bare the pressures facing Chinese business after Beijing imposed controls on outbound investment late last year, as well as the rise of protectionist sentiment overseas.
Once the government began to intensively vet outbound investment for its strategic importance, Wanda’s influence in official circles was not enough to get the Dick Clark deal past financial authorities.
“Policies have changed on both sides, so we gave up the acquisition” he said. “Both countries have changed their policy. Some people in the United States did not agree with our acquisitions, and some of the policies in China are changing.”
He was not specific about what US “disagreements” had contributed to the deal’s demise, and there is no public evidence that any US authority tried to block the acquisition.
However, some American legislators have recently voiced concerns about Beijing’s influence in Hollywood: “Should the definition of national security be broadened to address concerns about propaganda and control of the media and soft power institutions?” wrote 18 US members of Congress in a public letter last autumn as they asked the Government Accountability Office to review existing rules that limit overseas investment in strategic US industries.
然而,最近一些美国国会议员对北京方面在好莱坞的影响力表示担忧。18名议员在去年秋季的一封公开信中提出:“国家安全的定义是否应该扩大,以解决对媒体和软实力机构的宣传及控制的担忧?”他们要求美国政府问责局(US Government Accountability Office)评估现有限制外资投资美国战略行业的制度。
Mr Wang’s march has been impressive. After starting in Dalian, he moved nationwide with a chain of Wanda Plaza shopping malls. In 2012 he launched a global entertainment business with the purchase of AMC Entertainment and followed up with a series of other cinema chains. Last year he bought the film studio Legendary Entertainment for $3.5bn.
王健林取得的成就引人注目。从大连起步之后,他将业务扩大至全国各地,完成了一系列万达广场项目。2012年,他进军全球娱乐业,收购了AMC娱乐公司(AMC Entertainment),随后收购了一系列其他院线。去年,他以35亿美元收购了传奇影业(Legendary Entertainment)。
He argues that his investments have strategic value to China. “Of course Wanda has contributed significantly to the rise of soft power and cultural influence of China” he said.
However that was not enough to convince the bureaucrats in Beijing, and Mr Wang opted to back out of the Dick Clark deal rather than use funds already held overseas to complete the purchase.
“We do not want to become a company that does not abide by the rules,” he explained. Wanda paid a $50m break fee to DCP owner Eldridge Industries.
他解释称:“我们不愿意成为一个不守规矩的公司。”万达向迪克?克拉克的所有方Eldridge Industries支付了5000万美元的违约金。
Instead, Wanda, like many other Chinese business groups, is refocusing on domestic investments, including an $8bn project to build a massive film studio complex in the port city of Qingdao, what he called “Hollywood of the east”. He has also announced $10bn to invest in a “healthcare park” with two hospitals in the western city of Chengdu.
“The development of domestic business is certainly our main focus,” he said, “because China's entertainment market, tourism market, sports market have just begun. These [domestic] areas must be the focus of our investment.”
Mr Wang insisted that his overseas investments in entertainment were about making money, not stroking his ego, even though some analysts say he overpaid for some of his trophy acquisitions.
“I am not a film-maker, I am a businessman with a film company” he said, and one associate noted, “He only goes to the cinema once a year, with his mother”.
Mr Wang said he had not even seen The Great Wall, the high-profile film Wanda’s Legendary studio co-produced last year. The movie stars Matt Damon as an English mercenary in medieval China and was panned by critics, but it has nonetheless turned a modest profit. “I have not seen this movie so I really cannot give a specific view. In short we think it did not reach our expectations either in terms of content or the box office” he said.
王健林表示他甚至没有看过《长城》(The Great Wall),这是万达旗下的传奇影业去年合作拍摄的一部备受关注的电影。这部电影由马特?达蒙(Matt Damon)主演,饰演一名在中世纪时代中国的英国雇佣兵。电影受到了评论家的严厉批评,不过还是小有盈利。王健林说:“这个电影还没看,我还真是不能给出具体方面的一个评价。反正总之我们认为它无论是从内容还是票房都没有达到我们的预期。”

Richard Huang, an expert on the Chinese entertainment industry at Nomura said the price tag for Legendary was particularly hard to justify, given the company had lost roughly $1bn in 2014 and 2015.
野村证券(Nomura)中国娱乐业专家Richard Huang表示,考虑到传奇影业在2014年和2015年亏损了大约10亿美元,万达收购这家公司的价格尤其说不过去。
But Mr Huang added, “I think he looks at things in the longer term. It’s hard to build a global media conglomerate from scratch, and they want to take a short-cut by buying these global media assets. But, in most cases, you cannot buy them cheap because there is generally no urgency to sell by the owners.”
Asked about the view that he had paid very high prices for AMC and Legendary, Mr Wang did not disagree. “If we’re too cheap in our offer, no one will sell to us” he said. But he pointed out that AMC’s share price had risen 300 per cent since he bought a majority stake in the company.