Sustaining a manned space station would be the crowning achievement of China’s ambitious space programme, whose budget, though dwarfed by that of the US, is set to triple by 2026.
“The launch of Tianzhou-1 is very significant because once our country’s space station is constructed and launched, it cannot leave its orbit so it will be crucial to send propellant and supplies as well as take back any debris and outdated equipment,” said Jiao Weixin, a professor at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University.
“天舟一号的发射是非常重大的事情,因为一旦我国的空间站建成和发射,它就不能离开轨道,所以补给推进剂和物资,同时回收任何碎片和过时设备是至关重要的,”北京大学(Peking University)地球与空间科学学院教授焦维新表示。
China’s manned space station, if launched as planned in 2022, would become the only one in orbit when Nasa’s International Space Station is retired from service in 2028.
中国的载人空间站如果按计划在2022年发射,它将在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的国际空间站(International Space Station)在2028年退役后成为唯一在轨的空间站。
“After our space station is launched, then if the US or Russia needs to do space research, then we can say, ‘sorry, you will have to contact China and co-operate with us’,” said Prof Jiao.
The Soviet Union was the first to successfully pull off docking between unmanned ships in 1967. However, in-orbit refuelling is an engineering feat that has only been completed a handful of times. The Tianzhou-1 can carry nearly six tonnes of supplies including fuel, according to state media agency Xinhua.
China’s space programme has largely replicated the trajectory of those of the US and Russia. The three-part modular design of the Tiangong II space lab is based on Russia’s Mir space station, which was in orbit until 2001.
中国的空间计划基本上重走美国和俄罗斯走过的老路。天宫二号空间实验室的三部分模块化设计,就是基于俄罗斯早在2001年就退役的和平号空间站(Mir space station)。
China plans to send a rover to Mars by 2020 and has set a 2036 deadline for putting a man on the moon.
The country’s rapid space technology build-up stoked envy among regional neighbours, notably India, whose national space programme has lagged behind that of its great Asian rival.
Beijing views the Chinese space programme as “an important part of the nation’s overall development strategy”, according to a government white paper detailing China’s five-year space plans. “It has opened up a path of self-reliance and independent innovation.”
Tianzhou-1, nicknamed “Tiangong’s express delivery little brother” by Chinese media, is almost 11 metres long, has a diameter of 3.35m and weighs 13 tonnes. It was launched by a Chinese Long March rocket from the newly built Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre in the island province of Hainan.
When it has completed its mission, it will decouple from the Tiangong space station, descend from orbit and burn up in the atmosphere.