Cheating and infidelity hardly fall into the definition of a healthy monogamous relationship, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen (or that it's not something people worry about). Jesse James, also known as Sandra Bullock's ex-husband, tried to explain why he cheated, saying, "In general, both women and men cheat ... It's part of life." Whether this is statistical commentary or an excuse for his actions, it does bring up an interesting question: How common is cheating?
Cheating might feel like it's everywhere, but experts have a hard time pinpointing exactly how many people cheat, because (duh) nobody wants to be honest and own up to the fact that they do it. "The general belief is that if a person is lying to their partner, why wouldn't they also lie to a researcher?" says Anita Chlipala, a dating and relationships expert. One expert we spoke to estimated that 25 per cent of men and 14 per cent of women cheat in a lifetime; another said they thought it was between 20 to 60 per cent of couples in a lifetime. So infidelity could happen to a small sliver or the majority of people - it's hard to say at this point. Not to mention, most studies are done on heterosexual couples, so there's a big subset of the population that's not even being included in those estimates.
Anita Chlipala说道。我们会谈过的一位专家估计:人的一生中,25%的男性和14%的女性会出轨;另一位专家说,他们认为人的一生中,夫妻出轨率在20%至60%之间。所以不忠的人可能很少,也有可能很多--现在很难说清。更不用说,这些研究大部分都是有关异性恋夫妇的,所以一大部分人口甚至都没被考虑在这些估计之内。

Cheating also encompasses a spectrum of behaviors, and every couple has different definitions for what cheating really entails. (And for the record, open relationships, or sex outside of an otherwise monogamous relationship with the consent of both partners, is not cheating - by definition, cheating involves lying.) Chlipala suspects that the number of people who cheat might actually be growing because of these flimsy definitions. "One of the prime reasons why people cheat is because of opportunity and circumstance," she says. "Now, people have access to dating apps, or they can reconnect with an old flame on Facebook - and some people are surprised that emotional cheating is actually a thing." Many cheating scenarios start innocently and spiral, she adds. One survey found that 76 per cent of women thought it was cheating to send flirty texts, compared to 59 per cent of men.