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Does Donald Trumps ascent to power in the US mark an end to the influence of Davos Man? This is a term invented by Samuel Huntington, the late political scientist, himself a participant at the annual meetings of the World Economic Forum in Davos, for a class of people he despised.

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在美国掌权,是否标志着“达沃斯人”(Davos Man)的影响力不行了?“达沃斯人”这个词语是已故政治学家塞缪尔?亨廷顿(Samuel Huntington)创造出来的,用来形容他所鄙视的一群人。亨廷顿生前也出席在达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum at Davos)年度会议。
He argued that theyhave little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elites global operations”.
So are we about to witness a decisive shift away from the aspirations of the WEFs members and, if so, is this desirable? The answers areyesandno”.


Core beliefs of the Davos creed have been global co-operation and economic globalisation. But faith in the latter was shaken after the global financial crisis of 2007-09. The ratio of trade to global economic output has stagnated since then, after doubling between the early 1970s and 2007. The stock of foreign direct investment continues to rise relative to world output, albeit slowly. But the stock of cross-border financial assets has declined outright.

This weakening of globalisation partly reflects the exhaustion of easy opportunities for global commerce and the feeble growth of demand since the crisis. But it also reflects shifts in policy: the post-crisis re-regulation of finance has had a pronounced home bias, with reduced support for cross-border activities. Trade liberalisation has stalled, while some studies already show a rise in protectionist measures.
Mr Trumps inauguration as US president this week presages a marked tightening of the protectionist screws. The Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiated under his predecessor Barack Obama seems dead. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is stillborn. More important, Mr Trump threatens to focus on bilateral deals, impose tariffs on imports from important partners, notably China and Mexico, and treat the World Trade Organisation with contempt. This approach could take us back to the kind of global trade-policy chaos that occurred between the first and second world wars.
本周特朗普就任美国总统预示着保护主义声势将明显大涨。其前任巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)主政下谈成的《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP)似乎死掉了。《跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系协定》(TTIP)也是胎死腹中。更重要的是,特朗普威胁要把重点放在双边协议上,扬言对来自重要贸易伙伴——主要是中国和墨西哥——的进口商品征收关税,并藐视世界贸易组织(WTO)。这些做法可能会把我们带回到两次世界大战之间那种全球贸易政策混乱的状态。
At the same time, strangely, Mr Trump seems set on abolishing many of the regulations imposed on finance after the crisis. So Davos people could still take whatever financial risks they wanted but could no longer trade as freely in goods and services. Finding a rationale for this is impossible. It is a reflection of the intellectual incoherence characteristic of populism.
Yet make no mistake: Mr Trump could bring down the temple of world trade. If he were to impose punitive (and unjustifiable) tariffs on Chinese imports, the EU is likely to follow suit in order to protect its producers from a surge of Chinese imports. China would then feel obliged to retaliate. The system of trade rules could collapse.
So, too, could the very idea of a co-operative global system. Trade could be just one aspect of a bigger shift. If the US administration adopts the mindset of Vladimir Putins Russiainward looking, narrowly self-interested and indifferent to moral norms in international relationseven a minimally co-operative global system could disappear.
合作性全球体系的概念也可能随之崩溃。贸易可能只是更宏大变化趋势中的一个方面。如果美国政府采纳了弗拉基米尔?普京(Vladimir Putin)治下俄罗斯的思维方式——向内看、狭隘地只关注自身利益和对国际关系中的道义准则漠不关心——那么就连最低限度合作的全球体系也没有立身之地。
This would be the end of the Pax Americanathe period of US hegemony since the end of the second world war. The world will not easily or quickly find a replacement for the US, particularly when similar populist and protectionist forces are at work elsewhere, notably Europe. Much of the work that countries still need to do togethertackling climate change or challenges of economic developmentwould become impossible.
这可能导致“美国治下的和平”(Pax Americana)——指二战结束以来的美国全球霸权时期——的终结。世界将不会轻易或很快找到替代美国的角色,尤其是当其他地区、尤其是欧洲的类似民粹和保护主义势力正得势的情况下。各国仍需合作完成的大部分任务——应对气候变化或经济发展中的挑战——将不可能完成。
This, then, could also be the end of a world managed forand often byDavos man and woman. Many will feel that might be no bad thing. But they should be careful what they wish for.
As has happened so often before, hubris led to over-reach. Davos people underplayed the role of legitimate and potent states in underpinning the global system. They forgot the need for the successful to recognise their responsibilities to the societies that had made their success possible. They ignored, above all, the obligation to share the gains of globalisation with its losers. The enthusiasm with which many of them seized opportunities to avoid paying taxes was disgraceful.
Some of the projects of the age of global economic liberalisation also went too farnotably heedless financial liberalisation, the imprudent expansion of the eurozone and encouragement of large-scale immigration. Citizenship might not matter that much to many Davos people, but it matters very much to many of their fellow citizens.
These mistakes, however, are not nearly as bad as those likely to be made by the new populists. Davos people are in business: they do not wield the instruments of mass coercion, but rather seek to engage in mutually enriching commercial transactions and believe in the desirability of a peaceful and essentially co-operative world. Elites far more brutal, stupid and damaging than this can all too easily be imagined.
The populist reaction might have become inevitable. But it will not lead to a better world, even for those who support it. Yes, policymakers should have paid more attention to what was happening to ordinary citizens, but the simple-minded populism now on the rise will soon prove far worse than the hubris of the Davos elite.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

hegemony [hi:'geməni]


n. 霸权,领导权

characteristic [.kæriktə'ristik]


adj. 特有的,典型的
n. 特性,特征,特

collapse [kə'læps]


n. 崩溃,倒塌,暴跌
v. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解

essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

commerce ['kɔmə:s]


n. 商业,贸易

decisive [di'saisiv]


adj. 决定性的





