Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition. It can consume a person, leaving him or her incapacitated and unable to perform basic daily tasks. Prescriptions for pain medication have climbed 300 percent in the past decade. This has led to increased deaths: 46 people per day, or almost 17,000 people per year – that’s up more than 400 percent since 1999, according to Consumer Reports. There alternative remedies, one of which includes natural foods. In general, eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help with pain relief, Lara Felton, a leading RDN and head of the dietary team at mobile nutrition app ShopWell, says.
慢性疼痛可能会使人衰弱。它会消耗人体能量,使人们丧失能力、连日常行动都不方便。过去十年,止痛药的处方上涨至300%。《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)称:这就造成了死亡人数的增加:每天有46人丧生,或每年有近17000人丧生——与1999年相比,涨幅超过了400%。关于慢性疼痛也有其他的治疗方法,其中一个就是天然食物。一般来说,饮食中含有消炎食物本身就能缓解疼痛,劳拉•费尔顿说道,她是一位主流注册营养师,也是移动营养软件ShopWell饮食团队的负责人。
“You’ll find these powerhouse phytonutrients in leafy greens like spinach,” Felton says. Spinach is also rich in vitamin K and dramatically reduces inflammatory markers in the blood, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Spinach is also the kind of leafy green that alleviates pain from stomach ulcers. The fiber can help the ulcer heal faster and stop the formation of additional ulcers, the Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K.’s professional body for chemical scientists, says.
Swiss chard
Swiss chard is also full of phytonutrients, Felton says. The vegetable is especially helpful in fighting menstrual cramps and migraines, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Chards are rich in soluble fiber, which is important in preventing stomach pain, belly bloat and intestinal fermentations.
瑞士甜菜也富含植物营养素,费尔顿说道。根据责任医药医生委员会(the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)所述,瑞士甜菜在治疗月经痉挛和偏头痛方面,效果尤为显著。甜菜富含可溶解纤维,对于预防胃痛、腹胀和肠道发酵至关重要。

Researchers have identified over 45 different flavonoids in kale, according to Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE registered dietitian and author of Naturally Nourished: Food-as-Medicine Solutions for Optimal Health Cookbook. Kaempferol and quercetin top the list. “These flavonoids combine both antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer benefits in a way that gives kale a leading dietary role as a superfood,” Miller says. “Kale can provide great benefits in combating chronic inflammation and oxidative stress while supporting reduced histamine expression during allergy season.”
阿里•米乐是注册营养师,也是《自然营养:以食为药达到理想健康状态》(Naturally Nourished: Food-as-Medicine Solutions for Optimal Health Cookbook)一书的作者,据她所述,研究员们已在羽衣甘蓝中发现了不止45种不同的黄酮类化合物。含量最多的就是山萘酚和槲皮素。“这些黄酮类化合物既有抗氧化、抗炎的优点,又有抗癌效果,因此作为超级食物的羽衣甘蓝就有了领先的饮食作用,”米乐说道。“羽衣甘蓝可抵抗慢性炎症和氧化应激,同时还能支持过敏季节下降的组织胺水平。”
Chocolate milk
Muscle soreness, which can be pretty painful, often results from waiting too long after a workout to refuel. Aim to do that within 30 minutes with a mix of carbohydrates and protein like chocolate milk, Felton says. A study shows that it may be the best post-exercise drink.