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七个专业步骤 保障你的信息安全

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There are more reasons than ever to understand how to protect your personal information.


Major hacks seem ever more frequent. Investigators believe that a set of top-secret National Security Agency hacking tools were offered to online bidders this summer.


And many of those worried about expanded government surveillance by the N.S.A. and other agencies have taken steps to secure their communications.


In a recent Medium post, Quincy Larson, the founder of Free Code Camp, an open-source community for learning to code, detailed the reasons it might be useful for people to make their personal data more difficult for attackers to access.

学习编程的开源社区自由编程营(Free Code Camp)创始人昆西•拉森(Quincy Larson)最近在Medium网站发表了一篇文章,详细解释了为何人们将个人数据变得更难让袭击者获得是有益的。

When I use the termattackerI mean anyone trying to access your data whom you havent given express permission to,” he wrote. “Whether its a hacker, a corporation, or even a government.”


In an interview, Mr. Larson walked us through some of the basic steps he recommended. We added a few of our own, based on additional interviews.


We encourage you to write back with feedback on this article. If the instructions are too vague, the apps arent working for you or you have additional questions, we want to hear about it. Send an email to


Now, lets encrypt.


1. Download Signal, or Start Using WhatsApp to send text messages.


Encryption is a fancy computer-person word for scrambling your data until no one can understand what it says without a key. But encrypting is more complex than just switching a couple of letters around.


Mr. Larson said that by some estimates, with the default encryption scheme that Apple uses, “youd have to have a supercomputer crunching day and night for years to be able to unlock a single computer.”


He said that the best way to destroy data was not to delete it, because it could potentially be resurrected from a hard drive, but to encode it ina secure form of cryptography.”


Signal is one of the most popular apps for those who want to protect their text messaging. It is free and extremely easy to use. And unlike Apples iMessage, which is also encrypted, the code it uses to operate is open-source.


You can be sure by looking at the code that theyre not doing anything weird with your data,” Mr. Larson said.


In general, the idea behind the app is to make privacy and communication as simple as possible,” said Moxie Marlinspike, the founder of Open Whisper Systems, the organization that developed Signal.

“总的来说,这个应用的想法是让隐私保护和交流尽可能地简单,”开发出Signal的公司开放耳语系统(Open Whisper Systems)的创始人莫克西•马林斯派克(Moxie Marlinspike)说。

That means that the app allows you to use emojis, send pictures and enter group texts.


One bit of friction: You do have to persuade your friends to join the service too, if you want to text them. The app makes that easy to do.


WhatsApp, the popular chat tool, uses Signals software to encrypt its messaging. And in Facebook Messenger and Googles texting app Allo, you can turn on an option that encrypts your messages.

很受欢迎的聊天工具WhatsApp使用Signal的软件为自己的通讯信息加密。在Facebook Messenger和谷歌(Google)的通讯应用程序Allo中,你可以启用为讯息加密的选项。

Heres how to do that on Facebook. Heres how to do it on Allo.


Mr. Marlinspike said that the presidential election had sparked a lot of interested in Signal, leading to asubstantial increase in users.”


When asked to speculate why that was, Mr. Marlinspike simply said, “Donald Trump is about to be in control of the most powerful, invasive and least accountable surveillance apparatus in the world.”

被问及个中原因时,马林斯派克简单地说道,“唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)即将控制世界上最具影响力和侵略性、且最不可能被问责的监控机构。”

To download Signal, click here for iOS, or here for Android.


2. Protect your computers hard drive with FileVault orBitLocker.

2. 用FileVault或者BitLocker保护你的电脑硬件。

Your phone may be the device that lives in your pocket, but Mr. Larson described the computer as the real gold mine for personal information.


Even if your data were password protected, someone who gained access to your computerwould have access to all your files if they were unencrypted.”


Luckily, both Apple and Windows offer means of automatic encryption that simply need to be turned on.


Heres the link to do that for Apple computers. Heres the one for Windows computers.


3. The way you handle your passwords is probably wrong and bad.

3. 你处理密码的方式可能是错误而糟糕的。

You know this by now. Changing your passwords frequently is one of the simplest things you can do to protect yourself from digital invasion.


But making up new combinations all the time is a hassle.


Mr. Larson recommends password managers, which help store many passwords, with one master password. He said that he uses LastPass, but knows plenty of people who use 1Password and KeePass, and that he doesnt have a strong reason to recommend one over another.


Not every security expert trusts password managers. Some noted that LastPass itself got hacked last year.


So that means you may want to write them down in one secure location, perhaps a Post-it note at home. It seems more far-fetched that a hacker would bother to break into your home for a Post-it note than find a way into your computer.


If you take that route, we suggest setting a weekly or biweekly calendar reminder to change your passwords.


As far as making passwords up goes: Dont be precious about it. Use a random word (an object near you while youre hunched over your Post-it) and a combination of numbers. If youre writing passwords down, you dont have to worry about making them memorable.


4. Protect your email and other accounts with two-factor authentication.

4. 用两步验证保护你的电子邮箱以及其他账号。

When you turn this step on, anyone trying to sign in to your email from new devices will have to go through a secondary layer of security: a code to access the inbox that is sent to your phone via text message. (Though sadly, not through Signal.)


Heres the link for turning on two-factor authentication for Gmail accounts.


Heres the one for Yahoo accounts, and heres one you can use for Outlook accounts.


You can also set two-factor authentication for social media accounts and other sites. But email is the most important account, since many sites use email for password recovery, a fact that has been exploited by hackers. Once they have access to your email, they can get access to banking, social media, data backups and work accounts.


5. Use a browser plug-in called HTTPS Everywhere.

5. 使用一个名叫HTTPS Everywhere的浏览器插件。

Mr. Marlinspike recommended this plug-in, developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital security organization. It ensures that you are accessing the secure form of websites, meaning that your connection to the site will be encrypted, and that you will be protected from various forms of surveillance and hacking.

马林斯派克推荐的这个插件是由数字安全机构电子前哨基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)开发的。它能确保你以安全的方式访问网站。这意味着你对网站的访问会被加密,从而保护你免遭各种形式的监控和入侵。

Download HTTPS Everywhere for Chrome here. For Firefox here.

点击这里下载ChromeHTTPS Everywhere。点击这里下载火狐(Firefox)版HTTPS Everywhere

Heres a list of FAQs about the plug-in, including whether it is available for other browsers.


And this is a good time to note that you should always be aware whether the Wi-Fi network youre using is secure. Public networksand even private networks without security keysoften are not.


6. Remember that incognito mode isnt always private.

6. 切记,隐身模式并非总能保护隐私。

You may be in such a hurry to use this feature, available on Chrome, Safari and Firefox, among other browsers, that you do not heed its clear warning.


On Chrome, the second paragraph of theincognitohome screen is clear.


You arent invisible,” it says. “Going incognito doesnt hide your browsing from your employer, your internet service provider, or the websites you visit.”


Mr. Larson recommended Tor in his article, a browser that allows for private web activity. But were not going to recommend that here, mostly because Tor is relatively slow and clunky at the moment.


Ill be honest, I dont use it very often,” Mr. Larson said.


He said that he suspected other browsers would start adding ways to browse more securely.


Apple is very security conscious,” he said. “I wouldnt be surprised if they started to incorporate Tor-like features into Safari.”


7. Do sensitive searches in DuckDuckGo.

7. 用DuckDuckGo进行较为敏感的搜索。

Mr. Larson said that if people were paranoid about Google, he would strongly encourage them to use DuckDuckGo, an alternative search engine.


He said however, that he personally, was not paranoid.


Google is built on the hacker ethic and they have put principle above profits in some aspects,” he said.


But he also acknowledged that he meetspeople all the time who are extremely skeptical of any large software organization and I think thats reasonable.” There are trade-offs. Googles search results are more useful and accurate than competitorsprecisely because of the ways it collects and analyzes information about its customerssearches.


A Bonus: Cover your webcam with tape.


That way, if someone has found a way to compromise your computer, they cannot spy on you through its camera.


And yes, this happens.


Happy encryption.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

memorable ['memərəbl]


adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的


关键字: 信息安全 专业步骤




