People who have fall allergy and asthma problems often feel worse during late summer and early autumn months. As vacations wind down and kids go back to school, you're dealing with sneezing, wheezing, and coughing once again. Fall allergies can get in the way of those activities in a big way.
Some people deal with allergy and asthma symptoms year round, because they're triggered by substances found in the everyday living environment.
Other people only deal with the symptoms at certain times of the year, if they have the outdoor type of seasonal allergies, meaning that triggers are commonly found outdoors, rather than indoors. And still others have allergic asthma symptoms year round but find they get much worse in the late summer and early fall, when certain triggers are most present.
![How to Deal With Fall Allergies and Asthma.jpg How to Deal With Fall Allergies and Asthma.jpg](
Common fall allergy and asthma symptoms can include:
• sneezing
• 打喷嚏
• nasal stuffiness
• 鼻塞
• runny nose
• 流鼻涕
• itchy, watery, burning eyes
• 发痒、流泪、眼睛灼热
• itchy mouth or throat
• 嘴或喉发痒
• wheezing
• 哮喘
• coughing
• 咳嗽
• difficulty breathing
• 呼吸困难
• tight feeling in the chest
• 感觉胸闷
Kids with asthma and allergies may also have what is known as the allergic salute, where they rub their noses upward because of itching and have allergic shiners. These are all just the typical symptoms of fall allergy and asthma sufferers. Nothing is different in the fall, except that if you are allergic to fall allergens, your symptoms may increase.