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不畏权势讲真话 科技与真理的奇怪矛盾

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When I finished journalism school, more than a few years ago, I was given a certificate entitledTraining for Truth”. There has long been a strongly heldbut, to many, overblownbelief that the media is the fourth estate. Its purpose is to speak truth to power.

多年前从新闻学院毕业时,我获得了一份标题为“为真理而学”的证书。长期以来,有一种根深蒂固(但对于很多人而言有些夸张)的观点:媒体是第四权(fourth estate)。其宗旨是不畏权势讲真话。

We could endlessly debate how well the media has performed that function. It might take us even longer to agree a satisfactory definition of truth. But for most of the postwar era, the mainstream media in the Anglo-American world has helped shape the political debate by creating a common national narrative.


Now, we are told, the atomisation of traditional media and the spread of social networks has meant we all live in our ownfilter bubbles”. Technology has eaten the truth. We live in a post-truth world in which we can ignore the facts we do not like and tap into any personalised narrative that we desire.


Yet if there is no agreed basis of truth then it is hard to arrive at democratically settled conclusions. As we have seen during the debate on Brexit and in the US presidential campaign, much political argument consists of simply talking past your opponent to appeal to your own data-determined electoral demographic. Experts are dismissed as frauds. Demonstrable lies have no impact or consequence.


Yet the strange paradox of our times is that the truthhowever definedhas never been easier to unearth or disseminate. Data are ubiquitous. Life is on the record. Claims and counterclaims can instantly be checked. Technology should at least hold part of the solution.


Exhibit A supporting the hope that technology can help societies recreate an accepted truth is Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. Its mission is to give everyone on the planet free access to the sum of human knowledge in their own language.


Wikipedia has become such a routine part of our online lives that it is hard to believe it was founded only 15 years ago. Its growth has been remarkable. The non-profit-making collective of tens of thousands of active Wikipedians has created more than 40m articles in 250 languages. With 500m unique users a month, it is one of the top five most visited websites in the world.


Its volunteer contributors stick to a neutral point of view and agree among themselves what constitute reliable sources. Academic studies have found that Wikipedia is generally as accurate as professionally edited encyclopedias and has massively more articles.


Check out the entries on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and you will find them to be studiously neutral with more than 1,200 footnoted references between them.

看一看与唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)和希拉里.克林顿(Hillary Clinton)有关的条目吧,你会发现其内容被严格保持中立,总计有超过1200个参考文献注脚。

Wikipedia does, though, possess some glaring flaws. Its contributor base is 85 per cent male, leading to some skewed subject selection and other biases. Entries on male authors tend to be longer than those on female authors, for example.


Those devious enough to do so can game the system by poisoning the sources on which Wikipedia relies. The constant re-editing of some entries also means that they can forever remain a work in progress: US President George W Bushs entry has been edited more than 45,000 times. Truth on Wikipedia is always a malleable commodity.

那些足够狡猾的人可以通过毒化维基百科所依赖的来源来操纵这个系统。一些条目的重新编辑也意味着,它们可能永远是一项进行中的工作:美国前总统乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)的条目被编辑了逾4.5万次。维基百科上的事实永远是一种可塑的商品。

At a recent FT125 Forum event, Jimmy Wales, Wikipedias founder, said that one of thesuper fascinatingaspects of the community was how it tended to bring people together when there were serious disagreements rather than forcing them apart.

在最近的英国《金融时报》125(FT 125 Forum)论坛上,维基百科创始人吉米.威尔士(Jimmy Wales)表示,维基社区“超有趣”的一面是当出现严重分歧时,它往往会把人们聚在一起,而不是迫使他们分开。

For instance, Ukrainian and Russian Wikipedians, who have written radically different interpretations of the conflict between their two nations, recently met in Kiev to understand their respective views. “It will take some time before they come to a consensus view but we are trying,” he said.


Mr Wales said the site was relatively impartial because it had shunned advertising. Wikipedians wrote entries according to the subjects interest rather than from any impulse to chase clicks. “We all know that the DNA of any organisation tends to follow the money.”


Wikipedias model has enabled it to create atemple of the mind”, says its founder but it has resulted in aterrible, terrible business”, dependent on voluntary contributions. Can others invent more robust platforms?


It is said that there are only two forms of innovation: unbundling an industry and rebundling it. The mainstream media has been unbundled but Wikipedia has shown a different way to rebundle our collective intelligence.


The truth is out there. The bigger question is: do we want to hear it?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

constant ['kɔnstənt]


adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量

disseminate [di'semineit]


vt. 散播,公开,宣传

entry ['entri]


n. 进入,入口,登记,条目

demonstrable ['demənstrəbl]


adj. 可论证的,明显的或显而易见的

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

accurate ['ækjurit]


adj. 准确的,精确的

neutral ['nju:trəl]


adj. 中立的,中性的
n. 中立者,空挡的


关键字: 科技 真理 奇怪矛盾




