Whenever you go for a walk in the park, you see dog walkers being dragged in all directions by their charges.
Sometimes you come across something huge like a Great Dane leading the charge, but as often as not it is a diminutive terrier barking the orders.
Perhaps you have also seen funny videos of giant, docile mutts running in fear from pernicious pups.
We asked our readers if they thought smaller breeds of dog were more aggressive than their larger cousins.
Priyanka Habib got straight to the point. "The tinier they are, the louder and crazier they are!"
Alan Clark offered an explanation: "I think a lot of small dogs suffer from small dog syndrome. My teacup Yorkie is terrible for confronting big dogs."
It is easy to imagine why "small dog syndrome" might arise. As Travis Souders put it: "They're not necessarily mean, but they're certainly more commonly defensive. How would you feel if you were so tiny?"

David Sandberg of The University of Buffalo in New York and Linda Voss of the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, UK reviewed the evidence for a Napoleon complex in a study published in 2002.
They concluded that "the psychological adaptation of individuals who are shorter than average is largely indistinguishable from others, whether in childhood, adolescence or adulthood."
Still, what holds true for humans may not necessarily be the case for animals.
In a study published in 2012, researchers lead by Andreas Svensson of Linnaeus University in Sweden tracked the behaviour of fish called desert gobies.
Male desert gobies defend nests, so the researchers introduced "intruder" males that the "resident" males had to see off.
The team found that the smaller males "attacked sooner and with greater intensity" than the larger ones.
So if small desert gobies can behave more aggressively than larger ones, could the same be true of dogs?
There is a bit of a leap from a fish to a dog, but as Paul Durnion says: "We see this in nature all the time. Finches and sparrows harassing crows and eagles. Cougars fending off bears. It's not uncommon."
Chunyang Li suggests: "Smaller dogs maybe feel scared about bigger ones, so they always try to protect themselves first of all, showing meaner behaviour."
In a 2013 paper, Paul McGreevy of the University of Sydney in Australia and his team set out to explore whether dogs' outward characteristics are related to their behaviour.
Dogs were a good species in which to study this, McGreevy wrote, "because skull shapes and body shape are so diverse among breeds". His team tried to find out if dogs that had similar physical traits also behaved similarly.
They found that shorter dogs had higher levels of "owner-directed aggression, begging for food, urine marking and attachment/attention-seeking".
In other words, based on this one study smaller dogs really are more aggressive, at least in certain circumstances.