5.Deadpool and Deathstroke
What makes them twins? Come on, one's named Slade Wilson, and the other Wade Wilson? Both highly skilled assassins with awfully similar uniforms…
Who they are: Slade Wilson, AKA Deathstroke, is a former US soldier turned mercenary, originally introduced as the archnemesis of the Teen Titans, and has since come to be a prevalent figure across the DC Universe. Deadpool—now remember, that's WADE Wilson—began as a pretty straightforward New Mutants villain, and has since evolved into a bizarre, lunatic anti-hero with a healing factor, a wacky sense of humor and a penchant for breaking the fourth wall.

Who came first? Deathstroke, obviously. Though Deadpool as first conceived was a pretty obvious spoof/ripoff, Marvel deserves props for reworking him into the fourth-wall breaking, laugh-out-loud antihero that he's now become—which, ironically, has turned him into one of the most unique characters in comics.
谁先出现?显而易见是丧钟。虽然死侍最初的设想是用来恶搞/剽窃,但漫威漫画公司将他重新设计为打破第四道墙、让人捧腹大笑的反英雄人物,也就是现在这种形象, 具有讽刺意味的是,这让他在漫画中成为最独特的角色之一。
4.Killer Croc and the Lizard

What makes them twins? Scaly reptile men who have lived in the sewers and have, on occasion, both been depicted as eating people.
Who they are: Killer Croc is Waylon Jones, a young boy born with an unfortunate skin condition that resembles scales, who went on to become a mob boss in Gotham City… and thus, a frequent foe of Batman. The Lizard is the painful result of experiments performed by family man Dr. Curt Connors, who while attempting to re-grow his lost limb accidentally transforms himself into a vicious reptilian beast.
Who came first? The Lizard came first, by nearly two decades. The annoying thing about this, however, is that Croc, as originally conceived—as well as the way he was portrayed in the classic Batman: The Animated Series—was not in any way a Lizard clone, and it's only subsequent creators who have transformed him into one. The original Killer Croc, who still appears now and again, was simply a disturbed man with a deformity, who had regular human proportions. Unfortunately, later writers and artists have since exaggerated Waylon's deformities to the point of him having a crocodile-like head, a long tail and so on, thereby making Croc himself more of a cartoon and less of an interesting character. The good news is that the upcoming film Suicide Squad, which will be Croc's first big screen appearance, looks to be taking its inspiration more from the original depiction.

What makes them twins? Two scientists whose primary superpower is to shrink, while retaining the same strength that they possess at their regular size.
Who they are: Ray Palmer is a physicist who, will studying the molecular density of a white dwarf star, gains the ability to reduce his molecular density. Ant-Man is originally Hank Pym, a troubled genius whose discovery of the "Pym particles" enables him to reduce his size—or to expand it, and thus become "Giant-Man." Later on, Scott Lang would assume the role of Ant-Man.
Who came first? The Atom beat Ant-Man by a couple years. Both characters have since then gone on in entirely different directions, but one would imagine that if inter-dimensional crossovers were easier to perform, the two of them would regularly grab a tiny beer together.

What makes them twins? Though the world knows both Bruce Wayne and Lamont Cranston as wealthy socialites, in reality they are dark, mysterious loners who prowl the streets at night, terrifying the criminal underworld. Also, both of them happen to have learned these talents from traveling across the world.
Who they are: Everyone knows Batman. Orphaned at a young age, Bruce Wayne travelled the world and came back to Gotham to save the city from the criminal element that had overrun it in his absence. The Shadow was originally Kent Allard, a famed aviator, who faked his death and, studying overseas, gained the ability to "cloud men's minds," and render himself invisible to them. He then came to the shores of New York City, where he assumed a variety of aliases.
Who came first? Believe it or not, the Shadow existed before comic books. Originally created a hero for pulp magazines, the Shadow gained much of his fame from a series of Orson Welles' narrated radio dramas. As the Shadow existed before superheroes were really a "thing," it's not hard to see how this shadowy figure—along with Zorro and the Lone Ranger—may have served as one of the primary inspirations behind the Dark Knight.
1.Superman and Shazam (Captain Marvel)

What makes them twins? Caucasian, dark-haired, super-powered "boy scouts" that fly, with more powers than you can shake a stick at—and capes, of course. There's plenty of other characters that could fit into this category—Sentry, Hyperion, Marvel Man, the list goes on—but these two are the originals.
Who they are: Superman is Kal-El, last son of Krypton, rocketed to Earth when his planet blew to smithereens and raised on a farm by the Kents. Shazam—formerly named Captain Marvel—is Billy Batson, a young boy who can speak the word "shazam" and transform himself into a super powered adult.
Who came first? Superman was the first, but Shazam—originally published by Fawcett Comics—came out only a year later, and was at one point actually outselling the original superhero. Both DC and Fawcett engaged in a fierce rivalry, with both characters constantly one-upping each other; interestingly, it was actually Captain Marvel who flew first, back when Superman was still jumping tall buildings in a single bound. Today, both characters are owned by DC, so the rivalry has died down quite a bit. But hints of it still linger every time the two characters interact, and when it comes to superhero twins, these two are the ones that set the standard for everyone else to follow.