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观赛礼仪 巴西观众怎么嗨怎么来

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RIO DE JANEIROThe same shouts can be heard throughout the Summer Olympics, from table tennis and fencing to swimming and beach volleyball events: Silêncio! Shhh!


While every sport has its own custom for when it is appropriate to cheer and when quiet is expected, none of that applies here. The Rio Games have only just begun, but already the exuberance of local fans has collided with athletesand officialspleas for silence.


We are not used to this in table tennis,” said Galia Dvorak of Spain, who acknowledged that she had been shocked and unnerved by jeers from Brazilian fans during her match. She added, “It was just weird.”

来自西班牙的加利娅•德沃拉克(Galia Dvorak)说,“我们乒乓球比赛不习惯这样。”她承认,在她比赛时巴西球迷们的嘲笑让她震惊和焦躁。她补充说,“就是太怪了。”

At the Olympic Aquatics Stadium, an official twice requested silence from the crowd before a 100-meter butterfly race that featured the Brazilians Daiene Dias and Daynara de Paula. Fans contained themselves just long enough for the races to start before resuming their screaming.

在奥林匹克水上运动体育馆,一场百米蝶泳比赛之前,一个官员两次要求观众保持安静,参赛者当中包括巴西选手黛安妮•迪亚斯(Daiene Dias)和戴纳拉•德•保拉(Daynara de Paula)。粉丝们控制住了自己,但比赛刚一开始,他们马上就开始尖叫。

At the beach volleyball court, fans whistled and jeered when a Canadian team served. The public-address announcer asked them to cheer for everyone.


During a mens fencing event, raucous Brazilian fans tossed aside the sports typically convoluted rules of decorumcheering is all right, but only at certain momentsas they shook the stands with continuous spasms of celebration and booed anyone who notched a point against one of their own.


Its an incredible feeling when you enter this arena,” Brazilian fencer Ghislain Perrier said after losing his bout. “You feel all the power of the Brazilian people.”

“走进体育馆,感觉真是不可思议,” 巴西击剑选手吉兰•皮埃尔(Ghislain Perrier)在比赛失利后说。“你能感受到巴西人民的力量。”

The fanspresence has been most striking, though, at the table tennis arena. Outside a select few countries, the sport struggles to draw fans and generate excitement. Players in the sport value silence, which allows them to hear the way the ball bounces off an opponents paddle and to react more smoothly to a shot.


The tenor of the match Sunday night between Hugo Calderano of Brazil and Tang Peng of Hong Kong revealed itself before a single point was played.

星期日晚上,巴西的乌戈•卡尔德拉诺(Hugo Calderano)与香港的唐鹏展开对决,比赛尚未开始,赛场里就响彻了男高音般的叫喊。

Calderano, 20, entered the arena like a gladiator, hearing his name bellowed in unison from the stands, and when Tang, 35, hit a warm-up shot into the net, the crowd let out an overjoyed roar of approval. On it went through the match, just like this: Every time Calderano scored, an elated scream; each time Tang erred, yelps of joy.


In the realm of table tennisa subtle sport often likened to chessthese were vividly unusual scenes. But such displays had been going on at the Olympic table tennis pavilion all weekend.


Its usually a more serious sport,” said Anderson Monteiro, 40, a casual table tennis fan from Rio de Janeiro as he watched Calderano play. “I think its fantastic. Its wonderful. Its typically Brazilian.”

“这通常是一项更加严肃的运动,”40岁的安德森•蒙泰罗(Anderson Monteiro)在看卡尔德拉诺比赛时说道;他来自里约热内卢,算不上一个认真的乒乓球迷。“我觉得这样有意思。这样很棒。这就是典型的巴西式。”

Alexandre Araújo, a press officer for the Brazilian table tennis squad, tapped his chest as he explained the fans hadcome with a football heart.”

巴西乒乓球队的新闻发言人亚历山大•阿劳约(Alexandre Araújo)拍着胸口解释说,球迷们是“带着一颗足球的心”来看比赛的。

On Sunday, fans hissed when Tang prepared to serve, forcing him on one occasion to step away from the table. That made the fans boo louder. They stopped only to sing to Calderano:


Vou te apoiar, Hugo!” orI will support you, Hugo!”


On Saturday afternoon, while Caroline Kumahara of São Paulo was on her way to losing her first-round match to an opponent from Luxembourg, the Brazilian fans kept their spirits up, doing the wave, rattling noisemakers and serenading her with encouragement, likeEu sou brasileiro, com muito orgulho, com muito amôr!” (“I am Brazilian, with much pride, with much love!”)

星期日下午,圣保罗的卡洛琳•熊原(Caroline Kumahara)在第一轮比赛里快输给来自卢森堡的对手了,然而巴西球迷们的情绪还很高昂,他们挥舞手臂,摇晃着制造声音的工具,给她唱加油的歌,比如“我是个巴西人,我非常骄傲,我有很多爱!”

Brazilians are like this,” Kumahara said afterward. “They are always happy, always making fun of everything. This is normal for them.”


It has been highly abnormal for the players, though.


On Saturday morning, Gui Lin, the other woman representing Brazil in singles, stepped away from the table at one point to motion to the stands to quiet her vocal fansa rather extraordinary move in the wider context of sports. Gui, who said she appreciated the cheers, nevertheless seemed uneasy afterward as she described table tennis as a sportwhere you have to be quietand the noise as a sign of disrespect.


They have to focus,” Gui said of her opponents, “and there are three other tables playing, and I thought it wasnt right to disturb the others because of me.”


Guis opponent, Dvorak, blamed the crowds jeers for her 11-1 loss in the first game.


Like in other countries, like in China, they cheer a lot, but never against the opponent,” Dvorak said. “They cheer for their players, but never making thisoooohagainst you.”


Noting the atypical atmosphere at his own match Saturday afternoon, Gustavo Tsuboi of São Paulo guessed that, for all their enthusiasm most of the Brazilian fans on hand, for all their enthusiasm, were not familiar with the customs of the sport.

圣保罗的古斯塔沃•坪井(Gustavo Tsuboi)在周六下午自己的比赛中,也注意到了这种异乎寻常的气氛,他觉得,尽管现场的巴西观众们那么热情,他们其实并不熟悉这项运动的习惯。

Its unusual how they react,” said Tsuboi, who said he loved the additional energy. “We are used to having events only with people who already know our sport.”


Not all non-Brazilians were peeved, however. As Tommy Danielsson, the Luxembourg coach, said: “I find it very nice when the audience gets involved. We need this. People can see that this is not just a hobby game you play in a garage at home.”

不过,也不是所有的非巴西人都感到恼火。卢森堡队的教练托米•丹尼尔松(Tommy Danielsson)就说:“我觉得观众能参与进来是很好的。我们需要这样。人们可以看到,乒乓球并不仅仅是一种在家中的车库里玩玩的业余体育爱好。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

butterfly ['bʌtəflai]


n. 蝴蝶,蝶状物,蝶泳
vt. (烹饪时把鱼

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

continuous [kən'tinjuəs]


adj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的

bout [baut]


n. 回合,一场

contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

vocal ['vəukəl]


adj. 声音的,口述的,歌唱的
n. 元音,

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑


关键字: 观赛礼仪 巴西观众




