Their abilities to travel, multiply and spread disease have always made rats one of mankind's greatest pests. New Zealand says it's time to wipe them out. Every last one of them.
Prime Minister John Key last Monday announced an ambitious plan to completely rid the South Pacific nation of rats and some other nuisance animals, including possums and stoats, by the year 2050.
The government is hoping a rat-free countryside will give a boost to native birds, including the iconic kiwi. Many bird species are threatened with extinction because rats and other pests feast on their eggs and compete with them for food.

However, some scientists caution the goal, while laudable, will be extremely difficult to achieve in a nation that's similar in size to the United Kingdom.
Speaking from a wildlife sanctuary in Wellington, Key said the goal would require the help of everyone from philanthropists to indigenous Maori tribes.
"This is the most ambitious conservation project attempted anywhere in the world, but we believe if we all work together as a country we can achieve it," he said.
He said the government would initially contribute 28 million New Zealand dollars ($20 million) over four years toward setting up a company to run the program, and would consider partially matching money contributed by local councils and businesses.
New Zealand's Department of Conservation has eradicated rats from several small islands using traps, poisons and baits. But it would require a massive escalation of those efforts to completely wipe out the pests.
Ecologist James Russell, from the University of Auckland, has written about the idea before.
"I really do think it's possible," he said. "It will require people working in every nook and corner of the country."