Early one morning last February, I felt the thud of my cat Tink's paws as she landed on my legs. I was fast asleep and she woke me up, which had never happened before. It was completely uncharacteristic: she sleeps downstairs and never comes into the bedroom.
I sat up feeling groggy because I'd been out the night before, but I soon realised something was very wrong. The room was half-filled with a layer of white smoke, eerie and alarming, hanging in the air about three feet deep like a bank of white cloud.
因为前天晚上外出,所以我昏昏沉沉地坐起来,但很快我意识到一些事情是异常的。房间里充满了一层白色的烟雾,怪异和令人惊慌, 像一堆白色的云悬挂在三英尺高的空中。
I woke up my partner, Russ, in a panic and we jumped out of bed. As we waded through the thick smoke, I was still trying to process exactly what was going on, and the danger only really hit me when I went out on to the landing.

Our son Jake, 19, had woken up, too, and as he opened his brother Scott's door, black smoke billowed out. The smoke from Scott's room curled up to the ceiling; it was only then that the smoke alarm was triggered. Scott, 22, emerged, shouting above the racket that he was struggling to breathe. I phoned the fire brigade, who told us to leave the house as quickly as we could.
It was a massive wrench, leaving all of our belongings behind, but we knew we had no choice. We assumed Tink had slipped out of the house, too.
Within minutes, six fire engines arrived. As I stood blearily in the road, I looked at our house and realised that the source of the fire was actually our next-door neighbour's - flames were licking the front of her house. She had also managed to get out and was later taken to hospital for smoke inhalation.