Most of us have mercifully forgotten the plot to the 1994 Schwarzenegger/DeVito vehicle "Junior." For the purposes of scientific edification, this article will do you the disservice of reminding you that it involves the future governor of California becoming pregnant. Hilarity ensues.

Absurd concept, of course, but show this comedic gem to a seahorse, and it would shrug its shoulders (if it had them). And that's not because the film received a 32 percent rating on the Rotten Tomatoes review site, but rather because there's nothing surprising about pregnant males in the seahorse world. When seahorses get around to reproducing, the males and females engage in an elaborate, lengthy and apparently beautiful courtship dance in which they entwine their tails and swim in tandem. Eventually, with their movements fully synchronized, the female slips a couple thousand eggs into a little pouch the male has just for that purpose. The male fertilizes the eggs and carries them around in his pouch where they hatch. He carefully tends to their needs as they grow, and when they're ready to head off into the world he actually has muscular contractions to push them out. Meanwhile, the female has been getting some more eggs ready. Time to tango again! A male seahorse can give birth in the morning and be pregnant again by evening.

And now for some creepy parasitic procreation! When it comes to parasites, it's hard to choose from the array of weird, brilliant and often really troubling modes of self-replication. However, a lowly barnacle called rhizocephalans has a strategy so Machiavellian it deserves some attention here.
Rhizocephalans — we'll call it rhizo for short — doesn't look like your ordinary barnacle. As a young larva, rhizo floats around in hopes of encountering a passing crab. Given the size of the ocean, the chances are slim, but rhizos are produced in vast quantities, so a few are bound to find their targets. Once a rhizo makes crab-fall, it latches on, develops a little syringelike appendage and injects its cells into the crab's system. The rhizo cells find their way to their host's sinus and there begin to grow a root system that spreads everywhere, eventually poking out in exactly the spot where a female crab would carry its eggs. The parasite then lays its own eggs there in a little sac. For reasons not yet fully understood, if the crab happens to be a male it will actually change shape, widening its abdomen to more closely resemble a female. Also unknown is how exactly the rhizo convinces its host that the parasitic eggs it's carrying around are actually crab eggs. Then, as though in a scene from "Being John Malkovich," the parasite directs its host out to deeper waters where it can avoid predators and competition for food. It's all a bit unsettling. But is it as disturbing as Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga? Read on to compare.

Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga is a parasitic wasp that makes its home in lovely Costa Rica. When in the mood to reproduce, a female wasp hunts down a hapless spider by the euphonious name of Plesiometa argyra and paralyzes it for 10 or 15 minutes with a sting. In that quiet quarter of an hour the wasp lays an egg, gently attaches it to the spider's belly and departs.
在美丽的哥斯达黎加,有一种叫寄生黄蜂的寄生虫,当它想要繁殖时,雌蜂就会穷追不舍直至抓获一只蜘蛛,这种倒霉的蜘蛛有一个动听的名字叫Pleesiometa argyra。寄生蜂随后会用它的刺麻痹蜘蛛10到15分钟,在这蜘蛛失去知觉的这段时间里,寄生蜂会产下一颗卵,再轻轻地把它粘附在蜘蛛腹部然后离开。
When the spider recovers it goes about its business as though nothing has happened. Perhaps it doesn't remember; perhaps it doesn't want to remember. All the while that wasp egg is incubating. A week or two later, the intermission is over, and things go rapidly downhill for Plesiometa. The wasp larva hatches, stabs a hole in the spider's stomach and begins feeding off it. In a particularly diabolical move, the larva extracts one last resource from the spider before murdering it. The infant wasp injects some kind of psychoactive substance that convinces the poor thing to spin a very un-Plesiometa-like web. When it's done, the wasp kills the drug-addled arachnid, eats it and then uses the freshly spun web to wind itself into a cocoon. Less than two weeks later a fully grown Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga emerges, prepared to propagate in the same horrific way. Isn't nature wonderful?

If, like seahorses, starfish look like creatures from a fairytale, the venomous invertebrate known as the crown-of-thorns belongs in one of those old, sinister Brothers Grimm versions.
Crown-of-thorns starfish (or more properly, "sea stars") eat coral reefs. Because of human activities such as overfishing of their natural predators, they can sometimes undergo a population explosion. This, in turn, can result in the complete destruction of a reef. Not only will this mean the loss of habitat for the many creatures that make their home in reefs, but the local tourist industry can be hit too. To combat the problem, there have been various efforts the kill off the excess crown-of-thorns. On the Great Barrier Reef, for instance, divers started off by chopping the invertebrates into little pieces. The plan backfired because of the sea stars' remarkable ability to regenerate. Not only can they regrow lost limbs, but under the right circumstances, they can grow a whole new body from a severed limb. That's because their cells are "indeterminate," which means they retain the ability to form new body parts, just as our embryonic cells did when we were first developing. Now, if only we could master this regeneration thing — not only could we regrow lost limbs, we could generate whole new ones. Who couldn't use an extra pair of arms? Things would be a little weirder, though, if those disembodied arms grew a new you.
棘冠星鱼(称作“海洋之星”更为贴切)会吞食珊瑚礁。且由于过度捕捞它们的天敌等人类活动,导致这种海星时不时出现爆炸性增长,而珊瑚礁却因此遭受灭顶之灾。这不仅意味着许多依附珊瑚礁生活的生物将失去栖息地,对当地旅游业无疑也是沉重的打击。为了解决这一难题,人们尝试做出各种努力,意图消灭过量的海星。比如说在大堡礁,潜水员们把这些无脊椎动物砍成了一小片一小片的,希望这样可以杀死它们。然而事与愿违,这种海星的数量根本没有减少,因为它们有着可怕的再生能力 。它们不仅能使断肢重生,在合适的条件下,断肢甚至能再生成一个完整的全新的个体!因为它们的细胞具有高度全能性,就像我们人类生命形成之初的胚胎细胞一样,这意味着他们具有再生成新个体的能力。如今,我们若能掌控这种再生能力,那不仅能再生出身体受损的部位,甚至还能创造出一群全新的个体。谁不希望有三头六臂呢?然而,断掉的手臂就能长成一个崭新的自己,确实非常诡异!

Teenagers can procreate. Terrified by this prospect, their parents often seek to exert whatever control they can over their children's sex lives. From a teenager's perspective it's all rather annoying having old farts incessantly minding your business. But before sighing heavily and rolling your eyes at mom's intrusions, spare a thought for the Japanese climbing fern. Compared to them you've got it easy.
Fully grown ferns are called gametophytes, and they can be males, females or hermaphrodites if there are no other breeders around to help out. But, of course, self-fertilization is the very incarnation of inbreeding, a situation to be avoided whenever possible. So, when little fernlings are growing, older females in the neighborhood can secrete a chemical called gibberellin, which causes the surrounding youth to turn into males. Thus the grown-ups control the gender balance to maintain a healthy genetic diversity. Of late, the word "community" has become a buzzword for all that is positive and necessary in 21st century life — perhaps the sex life of climbing ferns demonstrates that community involvement might have its limits!