News that the US is sending 560 more troops to Iraq as part of the push to recapture the northern city of Mosul from Isis is being seen as further evidence the jihadis are on the run. Surveys that show Isis has lost 12 per cent of its self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq so far this year, after a shrinkage of 14 per cent in 2015, feed into this narrative. So, too, in its grim way, does the spate of terror attacks with which Isis has marked Ramadan, from Baghdad to Bangladesh, and Medina to Istanbul.
Some interpret this proliferation of atrocity – the attacks at a Shia market in Baghdad that killed almost 300 and at Istanbul’s Ataturk international airport, where 45 died, were especially savage – as an index of jihadi failure as Isis territory contracts.
This seems overly reductive. Isis has always launched far-flung attacks and switched between, as well as combined, regular and irregular warfare. If they held more territory, and their momentum had not been arrested, there might actually be more such attacks.
The scale of this Sunni caliphate’s ambition should have become clear from the Isis assault on Paris last November — it aims to intensify the war at home and abroad, advancing and retreating according to need. The attacks on Paris, Brussels, Istanbul and elsewhere are diversions. But they are also provocations intended to lure more western “crusaders” and Shia “idolaters” into the killing fields of Syria and Iraq.
Isis’s core calculation is threefold: that however much territory they lose, they will still be swimming in a sea of alienated Sunni inside the shell states they infest such as Iraq and Syria; that Iran and its Arab allies — such as Lebanon’s Hizbollah, Bashar-al-Assad’s Syria or the Shia-dominated government in Baghdad — will continue to supply them with an alibi for their jihad; and that neighbouring states such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Sunni powers also ranged against Iran’s Shia Arab axis, are vulnerable to their reach and their message.
For five years Turkey had allowed Islamist rebels to use its territory as a launchpad to attack the Assad regime in Syria, during which Isis implanted lethal cells. Yet Turkey’s overwhelming priority has been to stop its Kurdish minority from linking up with Syrian Kurds, who are consolidating self-governing territory just across the border, akin to Kurdish home rule in northern Iraq. Until now, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s neo-Islamist president, has treated Isis as a secondary issue, painting it as part of a western-inspired conspiracy to do him and his country down.
五年来,土耳其一直允许伊斯兰主义叛军使用其领土作为基地,攻击叙利亚的阿萨德政权。在此期间,ISIS扎下了致命的根基。但土耳其重中之重的首要任务,一直是要阻止本国的库尔德人少数派与叙利亚的库尔德人联合起来,后者正在土叙边境巩固自己的自治区域(其自治类似于伊拉克北部库尔德人实现的自治)。直至现在,土耳其信奉新伊斯兰主义的总统雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)一直未将ISIS作为头等大事对待,他还将ISIS描绘成西方主导的阴谋的一部分,目的是让他下台,让土耳其衰落。
Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, is overwhelmingly concerned to halt what it sees as Iran’s predatory advance through Arab lands, and finds itself in uncomfortable competition with Isis as to which of them is a more credible scourge of the Shia.
More important than calculations of whether territorial shrinkage prompts terrorist offensives, therefore, is to search for ways of immunising a susceptible Sunni minority against jihadi contagion. The US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 replaced a Sunni minority regime with a Shia-dominated one. While calling for the downfall of the Assad regime from 2011, the west declined to back Sunni majority rebels in Syria. From what it painted as a betrayal, Isis fashioned the fanciful idea that Sunni worldwide — about 1.3bn of 1.6bn Muslims — are a victimised minority it alone can defend.
How to counter this? So long as the Assads remain in place in Syria, supported by Russia and Iran, striking civilian targets with impunity and unmolested by the US-led coalition fighting Isis in Iraq and Syria, the task looks impossible. American reliance on Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish fighters on the ground, and the US-backed Iraqi government’s dependence on Iranian-trained Shia militias, greatly help Isis to posture as the shield of the Sunni Arabs.
It is hard to see any of this changing without real collaboration between the US and Russia, with each reining back their local allies, Saudi Arabia and Turkey on the one hand and Iran on the other, and pushing them towards regional detente. Governance solutions must be explored simultaneously with this. Confederalism, offering secure local power to all communities under the umbrella of a loose national compact sharing some power and resources, looks the only way forward.
Few but the region’s stateless Kurds have given much thought to this. As things stand, therefore, talk of federalism is at best dismissed as a zero-sum game, and more usually as a foreign plot to break up unitary states. But Syria and Iraq are already broken.
Until discussions on their future draw in the Sunni and the Shia, as well as other groups such as Syria’s Alawites, there are going to be more broken states and no way to put them back together again.