Being neurotic means you're constantly aware of everything around you. You pick up on people's body language and voice inflections, and analyze every word that comes out of their mouth. Because of this, you're not surprised by ulterior motives or when a person's true colors show. Ironically, being hyper-aware of everything and everyone around you helps you keep your cool when things go sour.
9.They're overly self-conscious
Because you're constantly worried about yourself, you're more likely to take care of yourself. The student who is scared of failing will spend extra time in the library, leading them to be even more prepared for an exam than they need to be. The person who's scared of dying of a heart attack in his forties will certainly eat healthier and exercise more often than someone who doesn't worry about his demise.
Neurotic people know they're neurotic. In fact, they flaunt it at times, saying things like "I know I'm being crazy, but…" While it may be hard to break a neurotic thought or habit, many people go throughout their day with paranoid thoughts running through their head without even realizing it. At least neurotic people are able to recognize it and rationalize it. They might not be able to get past knowing "It's all in my head," but at least they can acknowledge it.
7.They're pessimistically realistic
Neurotic people tend to err on the side of pessimism when it comes to anything in the real world. But this is because they know that good things don't just "happen," and that Murphy's Law exists because there is a better chance of something going wrong along the way than everything going exactly according to plan. The good part about this pessimism is that when things do go right, it's like Christmas Day for a neurotic individual. Even something as simple as the guy at Dunkin' Donuts getting your order right and then hitting every green light on the way home from work will be enough to cheer you up. It really is the little things in life that make a difference.
做某件事时,神经质的人往往会从悲观的角度来寻找错误。这是因为他们相信好事不会单纯的发生,相信墨菲定律(Murphy's Law),比起每件事都能按照计划完美的进行,其中出现小差错的机率更大。悲观主义里好的成分就是当事情真的顺利进行时,神经质的人会好像度过了圣诞节。甚至有些像邓肯甜甜圈(Dunkin's Donuts)的服务员为你递上你点的甜甜圈、回家路上正好遇上绿灯这样的事都足以让你开心,这真的是对我们生命造成影响的一些小事情。
A study at SUNY Downstate Medical Centre of 42 individuals showed that those who suffered from anxiety also had a higher IQ on average. The report showed that "high intelligence and worry are linked with brain activity measured by the depletion of the nutrient choline in the white matter of the brain." High levels of anxiety lead to a mind that is constantly working in some way, which, naturally, leads to higher levels of intelligence. Those that worry too much are actually exercising their brain!

5.They care for others
Neurotic people don't just worry about themselves, either. They worry and look after their friends, family, and loved ones constantly. They're always trying to help people through difficult situations and solve other people's problems. This parental aspect of neurotic people gives them comfort, as it does to those around them as well.
4.They have high energy levels
Not only are neurotic people always thinking, but they're always ready for action. They have trouble sitting still, because their mind is always racing. But they also never seem to run out of steam, because they know they could be doing something to better their lives at any given moment.
3.They're highly productive
Since they can't sit still, neurotic people might as well be productive. They have many hobbies, and are never content with resting on their laurels. They see every moment as another chance to succeed and do better in life. Because of this attitude, neurotic people often find themselves leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else around them as far as productivity and talent is concerned.
Even though most neurotic people are pessimistic, they also work hard to improve their surroundings as well. They understand how good things could be, and will do anything to get there. It's ironic, but their pessimism drives them to optimize their situation. And while others are thinking things are fine, the neurotic person will constantly be working to make them even better.
1.They avoid bad situations
Obviously, being a worrywart isn't always a bad thing. Neurotic people avoid dangerous situations. While other people might be tempted to claim "YOLO" as if that's an excuse to do something stupid, anxious people will be the ones saying "Yeah, you only live once, so don't mess it up." Sure, they might never experience the thrill of skydiving, but they'll almost certainly live a long, healthy life.