10.You Have a New Stomach Lining Every 3 to 4 Days!
9.Who Nose?
While we all know that dogs have incredibly sharp noses, it is not so well-known that we humans are not so bad at sniffing things out ourselves! The human nose can identify or recognise about 50,000 different smells. Interestingly, women tend to be better smellers than men, with scientific studies showing that women could actually identify differences between the smell of the sweat of healthy people and those suffering from cancer. Scientists have also found that the left nostril tends to be better at picking up stray scents than the right-hand-side one!
8.Skin Crawlers
Every square inch of your skin has 32 million bacteria on it, right now! Okay, stop scratching or planning to rush off for a boiling hot disinfectant bath; it is completely normal and – fortunately – most of them are harmless or even necessary for our continued good health!
7.Productive Feet
Your feet alone have 500,000 sweat glands on then and can produce up to a pint of sweat per day! This is why many feet find food odour to be a problem, especially when their feet are hot and confined to waterproof shoes for long periods of time. However, it is not the sweat that creates that pungent and cheesy smell – that comes from those millions of bacteria on your skin interacting with the sweat! If foot odour is a problem for you try sprinkling a teaspoonful or so of bicarbonate of soda (straight-forward baking powder) inside your shoes. The powder will absorb and neutralise the smell, sparing your blushes when you ease your shoes off under your desk.
6.You Are Made of 7,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms!
That is 7 quadrillion in US terms or 7 thousand billion in old UK terms (a billion has shrunk over the years, mysteriously dropping three zeroes from 1,000,000,000,000 (12 noughts) to 1,000,000,000 (9 noughts – one wonders if the Treasury noticed when this happened!). Figures this large are simply too big for us to comprehend (it would take more than your lifetime, your child's lifetime and even your grandchild's lifetime to count even a fraction of your atoms (assuming you could see them easily enough!) and it seems incredible that humans, seemingly so solid and large, are in fact made up of tiny, tiny pieces of matter in this way!
审校:晃晃 编辑:Candy 来源:前十网