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《权力的悖论》 掌权的都是好人?

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Machiavelli was quite wrong about power. It isnt something nasty that you get by being as devious as possible. Being feared is not better than being loved. And people arent, in general, fickle, hypocritical and greedy of gain.


According to Dacher Keltner, a psychology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, power is something benign, a force for good, given willingly by decent humans to each other. He has reached this most soothing of conclusions after two decades spent studying power in the lab, the office and the dorm. He has looked at how people get itand what happens when they have it.

美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的心理学教授达谢•凯尔特纳(Dacher Keltner)认为,权力是善良的,是一种正义的力量,是正直的人们自愿赋予彼此的。他在实验室、办公室以及学生宿舍开展了20年的权力研究,得出了这个最令人欣慰的结论。他观察人们如何获得权力——以及他们得到权力后会如何。

Keltner starts by defining power in the usual wayas the ability to alter the states of othersbut then interprets it more broadly as the underpinning of every relationship. People get power, he thinks, not by force, but by winning the approval of others. They do that not by frightening them, but by acting in accordance with the greater good.


To prove this he has infiltrated a Vanderbilt sorority, a Wisconsin fraternity, Berkeley dorms and a summer baseball camp and watched how teenagers acquire power. In every case the results were the sameit was the students who were enthusiastic, kind, focused, calm and open who rose to the top and stayed there.


Keltner argues that there is nothing terribly original about nice guys finishing firstthey always did. Man is predisposed to eat large animals, and, as it is hard to catch and eat these alone, it is natural to reward those who, being brave and generous, catch the food and share it around. Netsilik Eskimos have made such a cult of competitive altruism that the more food they give away, the higher their status.

凯尔特纳认为,好人受拥护并不足为奇——他们一贯如此。人类倾向于捕食大型动物,而这凭一己之力很难实现,人们很自然会嘉奖那些勇敢慷慨、能将捕获的食物分享给他人的人。奈特西里克爱斯基摩人(Netsilik Eskimos)向来崇尚竞争性利他主义,即奉献食物越多,地位越高。

Its all very nice. But it is at odds not just with what Machiavelli has taught us, but with history, fiction and the world as commonly observed.


What about Donald Trump? What about Lord of the Flies? Keltner offers no view on the first and how he came to acquire power despite remarkable disregard for the greater good. On Lord of the Flies, he merely asserts that the way the evil Jack grabs power from Ralph is not in accordance with his experiments.

唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)该怎么讲?《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)又该怎么讲?对特朗普本人及他何以全然无视大众福祉却获得了权力,凯尔特纳未置一词。至于《蝇王》,凯尔特纳只是说邪恶的杰克(Jack)从拉尔夫(Ralph)手中夺得权力的手段不符合他的实验。

But neither are my real-life tales from the classroom or dorm. In every school and university Ive ever heard of, power is occasionally given to those wedded to the greatest good, but more often to the ones with the latest jeans, who have taken most drugs or who are the best at netball. The smartest, the coolest, the best-looking float to the top.


Not only has Keltner evidently been hanging out in nicer universities than me, but in nicer offices too. At work he says the good guys automatically rise, and the bad fall. If you are a good egg, you will have the reputation of being one, and therefore get more resources. If you are horrid, no one will want to work with you, they will savage your reputation with gossip and youll get nowhere.


In Keltners world, even investment bankers who arent good colleagues quickly acquire bad reputations and lose whatever power they had. Yet in my experience, successful bankers are very good at dissembling and behaving in different ways to different audiences. They may convince their bosses that they are forces for good, while being anything but. Those who make the most money get rewarded, the greater good be damned.


Indeed, not only in investment banks but in all workplaces, the research suggests that the people we reward with our trust are not only the nice guys. They are those with regular features, who are taller and with deeper voices.


The second half of The Power Paradox deals more convincinglythough less controversiallywith what power does to us. It turns out that power corrupts. We get power by being good but having power makes us bad, hence the books title.

《权力的悖论》(The Power Paradox)后半部分论述权力对人的影响,颇具说服力,争议较少。事实证明,权力使人腐化。人们通过当好人获得权力,但拥有权力却使人们变坏。本书书名即由此而来。

In a series of amusing experiments, the author shows how the feeling of power makes us inclined to take the last biscuit, to eat with our mouths open, to drive aggressively and to disregard others, and even to take sweets from children. This is right but scarcely news.


Yet there is, according to the ever upbeat Keltner, hope for even the most power-crazed. All they need to do is remind themselves of how awful it is to be powerless, and of the dangers of power, and that will act as a corrective influence. Again, this is a nice thought. I fear it will be about as successful as telling children who wont eat their broccoli that they must think of the starving millions.


The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence, by Dacher Keltner,Allen Lane £16.99/Penguin Press $26, 240 pages

《权力的悖论:我们如何获得和失去权力》(The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence),达谢•凯尔特纳著,艾伦莱恩出版社(Allen Lane),售价16.99英镑/企鹅出版社(Penguin Press),售价26美元,240页

重点单词   查看全部解释    
devious ['di:viəs]


adj. 迂回的,弯曲的,不正直的

hypocritical [.hipə'kritikəl]


adj. 伪善的

disregard [.disri'gɑ:d]


n. 不理会,漠视
vt. 忽视,不顾

benign [bi'nain]


adj. 仁慈的,温和的,良性的

fickle ['fikl]


adj. 变幻无常的,轻浮的,(爱情或友情上)易变的

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]


adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的


关键字: 掌权 权力的悖论




