The problem of industrial overcapacity has been troubling manufacturers across the world for years. Of late their complaints, particularly against China and especially concerning steel, have become more acute. Episodes like the proposed sale of the lossmaking Tata steel plant in Port Talbot in south Wales have brought into sharp relief falling prices and global gluts of production.
多年来,行业产能过剩问题一直困扰着全球制造商。最近,他们的抱怨(特别是针对中国,尤其是针对钢铁)变得更为严重。塔塔(Tata)拟出售位于威尔士南部塔尔伯特港(Port Talbot)的亏损钢厂,这让钢铁价格下跌以及全球产量过剩的问题显露无疑。
Overcapacity is without doubt a serious worldwide phenomenon and it is hard to argue against heavily subsidised Chinese producers being a major cause. But with responsibility so dispersed even within China, it is almost impossible to imagine any kind of negotiated agreement that will significantly bring down global capacity. So, unless governments elsewhere want to engage in expensive and open-ended — and, especially in the EU, probably illegal — state ownership of troubled steel companies, the best option is a judicious and limited use of trade remedies against subsidised imports.
This week, China hit back at persistent complaints from the US that it had recklessly expanded industrial capacity and was dumping steel at knockdown prices into the US market. Lou Jiwei, the Chinese finance minister, made the somewhat reasonable point that some of the expansion in production was a result of China’s encouragement of investment to boost growth during the global financial crisis. He also contended that, while Beijing has promised to close excess capacity, it was harder than it appeared: much of the decision-making, including the provision of subsidised lending, was in the hands of local governments.
It seems unlikely that China, which makes up about half of global steel production, will shut down enough plants any time soon to make a dent in worldwide overcapacity. What are governments in the US and Europe to do?
One option they should swiftly rule out is to provide long-term nationalisation or other indefinite state support to steelmakers. The history of nationalising lossmaking manufacturing is a poor one, and such actions will very probably fall foul of EU state aid rules.
A better answer is trade remedies, particularly the use of antidumping and countervailing duties against unfairly priced and subsidised imports. The problem is not just that the rules are often arbitrary and skewed — the US has rightly lost case after case at the World Trade Organisation over the way it imposes such tariffs — but that resorting to temporary relief can all too often become a permanent way of life.
If trade remedies are to be used, they need to take into proper account the full effects of cheap steel on the importing economies. Raising the domestic price of steel in the EU will benefit Port Talbot but it will increase costs for the numerous companies that use steel as an input. The EU, to its credit, has a “community interest” provision in its trade remedies that takes into account the wider interests of other producers and of consumers. The EU has accordingly been less keen than the US in imposing duties on steel imports from China and elsewhere.
EU member states are embroiled in a contentious revision of the bloc’s trade defence measures, pitting traditional free-traders like the UK against habitual protectionists like Italy. Whatever emerges should reflect the principle that blocking imports has narrow benefits but wider costs.
Excess capacity and low prices can be devastating for those working in the affected industries. Yet care should be taken, when dealing with the human consequences of global production gluts, that a distortion in one part of the economy not be allowed to have self-defeating effects elsewhere.