South America's recently discovered Yumbilla Falls is located in the remote Amazon region of northern Peru's Cuispes district. Although it currently stands at number five on our list, the waterfall's height is disputed by several officials: Peru's National Geographical Institute claims a height of 2,937 feet (895.4 meters), but other sources say it's slightly shorter at 2,854 feet (870 meters).

Yumbilla Falls is a tiered waterfall with four large drops. It's classified as a horsetail flow: The falls maintain some contact with the underlying bedrock. Like a number of other falls on our list, this low-volume cascade is often affected by seasonal weather conditions. The width increases in the rainy season and narrows during drier months. Gocta Falls (an impressive pair of cascades that drop a total of 2,531 feet or 771 meters) and other prominent falls are located within a seven-mile radius of Yumbilla, and Peru's Ministry of Tourism promotes area excursions to tourists and waterfall enthusiasts. Surrounded by a lush rainforest in remote mountains, it is accessible to adventurous nature lovers who hike in on an unmarked trail with a local guide.
4.Olo'upena Falls, United States

The fourth-highest waterfall in the world, Olo'upena Falls, is the second waterfall on our list found on the remote Hawaiian island of Moloka'i. The Olo'upena Falls, like Pu'uka'oku Falls (No. 8 on our list), are located on the isolated northeastern shore of the island.
At 2,953 feet (900 meters), Olo'upena Falls is a tiered, ribbon-thin stream plunging over the side of one of the world's tallest seaside cliffs, Haloku Cliffs -- the same cliffs that Pu'uka'oku Falls originate from. Surrounded by huge mountains on either side, this magnificent waterfall is so remote that there are no access trails to reach it; like Pu'uka'oku Falls, it is only accessible by air or sea. The best time to view Olo'upena Falls is during the rainy season (November through March), and numerous guided boat and aerial excursions offer breathtaking views of the falls plummeting over the vertical cliff face directly into the sea.
3.Three Sisters Falls (Cataratas las Tres Hermanas), Peru

The third highest waterfall in the world is Three Sisters Falls, found in the remote Ayacucho region of Peru. The falls, also known as Cataratas las Tres Hermanas (literally meaning "Waterfalls of the Three Sisters,") rises an astonishing 3,000 feet (914 meters) and is named for the three distinctive tiers, or steps, that interrupt the flow. The top two tiers fall into a large, natural catch basin of water. The third tier, which is nearly impossible to see, emerges from the basin and falls into the Cutivireni River below.
世界第三高的三姐妹瀑布位于秘鲁阿亚库乔地区这一偏远之地,又名“特雷斯·赫尔马纳斯瀑布”(字面上的意思就是“三姐妹瀑布”),其落差竟达3000英尺(即914米)。它之所以被称为三姐妹瀑布,是因为整个瀑布分为三股水流倾泻而下。其中两排比较高的瀑布流入一个巨大的盆地,随后几不可察的第三排瀑布又从盆地流出,注入库提维列尼河(the Cutivireni River)下游。
The Three Sisters Falls are surrounded by lush, tropical rainforest where trees routinely grow to 100 feet tall. The rugged area is located in the protected Parque Nacional Otishi national forest, and neighbors striking natural features in the surrounding area including the Pavirontsi Natural Bridge, the largest natural bridge in the world. The Three Sisters Falls are only visible from the air. Although there are rough trails leading to them, the area's dense vegetation makes it impossible to view the entire length of the falls from ground level.
2.Tugela Falls, South Africa

With a total height of 3,110 feet (948 meters), the five-tiered Tugela Falls in South Africa's Kwazulu Natal region is the second-highest waterfall in the world. Its tallest single drop in the five tiers is 1,350 feet (411 meters).
Tugela Falls begins at the top of an amphitheater-like mountain known as Mont Aux Sources. Except for times when rainfall is higher than normal, the flow of water over the falls is thin: The cascade averages 50 feet (15 meters) wide and has a typical volume of 50 cubic feet (1.41 cubic meters) per second. Tugela Falls is much easier to access than many of the other waterfalls on our list. It's a well-known tourist stop, and there are marked trails originating from a nearby parking lot. There are two trails to the falls that offer impressive views: One is a challenging 4-mile (6.4-kilometer) hike to the top of the mountain -- the elevation and thinner air make this a contest for the physically fit. The other path is a more level 4.3-mile walk through the Royal Natal National Park of South Africa to view the bottom of the falls.

Angel Falls, located in the Bolivar province of Venezuela, not only claims the distinction of being the highest waterfall in the world at an astonishing 3,212 feet tall (979 meters), but it also has the single highest plunge in the world. After a short drop of about 100 feet, Angel Falls drops 2,648 feet off of a flat-topped plateau known as Auyan-Tepui ("Devil's Mountain").
Angel Falls was "discovered" accidentally by an American aviator, Jimmie Angel, in 1933. Looking for the world's tallest waterfall was the last thing on Angel's mind at the time -- the bush pilot had been searching Venezuela for famed gold ore mines and happened to fly over the location. The falls were a well-known landmark, however, for the Pemón, the people native to the region. While waterfall enthusiasts may head to Angel Falls to view the drop alone, the area surrounding the falls is also noted for its particular beauty. A myriad of plants and flowers can be found near the plateau, including the orange and yellow lantana, the purple Princess Flower, the pink Mimosa and many types of orchids and bromeliads. Adding to the beauty, Angel Falls can play dramatic tricks with the local microclimate. Because of the plunge's tremendous height, gusts of wind create massive mists and spray around the plateaus, and rains mixing in with the cascading water can create extra limbs off of the falls.