Most animal appendages have obvious uses, but the evolutionary dice that dictate all adaptations sometimes land quite oddly. Old parts occasionally gain new and awesome utilities.
10.Horses Use Their Ears And Eyes To Point And Communicate

Horses are a lot more articulate than we thought. They communicate not only through snorts, brays, and neighs, but also with eyes and ears, the latter of which are highly pliable and used like equine turn signals.
In a study, University of Sussex PhD student Jennifer Wathan and her adviser Karen McComb photographed horses looking at buckets of food. They then altered some of the images to obscure either the eyes or ears before scaling the photographs to life-sized proportions and showing them to real horses who were given a choice between two similar feed buckets.While looking at the unadulterated images, test horses tended to go for the same bucket as their facsimile compatriots. When the ears or eyes were obscured, this behavior disappeared. Of the two modifications to the images, the test subjects heeded the directions of the ears a bit more than the eyes. The study suggests that our wriggly-eared companions use these gesticulations to either point out food or to alert others to the presence of predatory animals. We probably would have figured this out sooner, but sometimes innate anthropocentric biases limit our scientific vantage point. Studies on animal linguistics often focus on gestures, postures, and calls because these are the main components of our language.
9.Hippos Use Their Tails To Propel Feces

With its dopey face, puffy body, and short, stubby tail, the hippopotamus is one of the animal kingdom's most deceptive killers. Among the most dangerous creatures on Earth, hippos lull victims into a false sense of security with pudgy cuteness and then strike with lightning reflexes and scimitar teeth.
But not everything about these animals is terrifying. Their tiny tails are hilarious not only in design but in function as well. You see, dominant male hippos mark their territory by scattering excrement, but they're too fat and lazy to walk around to do so. Instead, they twirl their little tails around like leathery propellers and defecate into the whirling blades.And so they spread their feces—mixed with a touch of urine for extra pungency—haphazardly in all directions to deter rival bulls from encroaching on their land. Oddly enough, juvenile hippos are inexplicably drawn to smelly dumps, and young are known to follow older males around to lick at their rear ends.
8.Trap-Jaw Ants Launch Themselves To Safety With Their Mandibles

Trap-jaw ants have shears for mandibles and can snap them at 40 meters per second (90 mph). With such speed and size, they can easily cleave enemies in half in the blink of an eye. Amazingly, it turns out they can use their oversized jaws for defense as well as assault.
Researchers had noted that the ants would sometimes flick themselves into the air with their incredibly strong mandibles. It wasn't clear why—possibly as an evasive maneuver.As always, scientists tried to understand this puzzling behavior by reproducing it in the lab. They brought in some antlions, larger insects that love to eat ants. To capture their prey, antlions build pits in the sand that crumble beneath the unlucky ants' feet. Waiting inside the pit, the antlion gobbles up anyone that falls through. Sure enough, trap-jaw ants that were at risk of sinking into the sand sometimes used their mandibles to propel themselves away from danger. Furthermore, the ants that had their jaws glued together were only half as likely to escape their fate as dinner.
7.Sawfish Snouts Detect Electrical Fields

The sawfish is a feared aquatic predator. Its large, serrated appendage makes for an intimidating weapon that can slice smaller fish clean in half. But the sawfish's multi-tool muzzle can also detect electrical fields produced by living creatures.
While dissecting a few sawfish specimens—that had died naturally—researchers found their fimbriated snouts were full of tiny pores. These were indicative of the animal's electrical prowess, and similar pores are present in other creatures that share this talent. These sensors are usually dotted around the mouth so that the fish can quickly clamp down on anything unlucky enough to trigger its electro-location.It might seem unfair that evolution gave a saw-faced beast what amounts to a video game mini-map, but it's a necessary tool when one lives in exceedingly murky waters where visibility is measured in millimeters if the sediment has been stirred. By using its saw as an electrical walking stick and rangefinder, the sawfish remains lethal where most would be blind.
6.Ants Use Their Antennae To Grip Tunnel Walls

Not long ago, researchers conducted one of the most detailed studies of ant tunneling ever. It's a common practice to fill a clear container or tube with dirt and watch the ants do their thing, but this time, X-ray tomography allowed researchers to watch the ants work under more natural conditions.
They found the tunnels were built to precise, optimal dimensions for structural integrity. To induce a mini-collapse (to observe how the poor ants cope and rebuild), scientists used a small piston to shoot a stream of air into the tunnel. To their amazement, the momentarily displaced ants latched onto the sides of the tunnel with their antennae, displaying an entirely novel use of the common appendage.It turns out that the tunnels are not only built for strength, but small enough to allow the ants to catch themselves against the walls—quite a useful adaptation for busy little insects that spend considerable time traversing a vertical maze of tunnels.