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Years ago, throngs of fans would huddle around their tv sets to watch six generation X-ers who always managed to be "there for you" through thick and thin—and they're still "there" for all of us that binge watch the series ten years after its finale.

Debuting in 1994 and spanning 10 iconic seasons, Friends is a series that few have been able to parallel. Equal parts humor, sentimentality and the catalyzer of a smorgasbord of catchphrases ("WE WERE ON A BREAK", "Oh. My. God." "Could this be any more), fans of the sitcom still enjoy reminiscing about their favorite moments 20 years after its premier in the early 90s. Throughout all the memorable moments, hookups, breakups and fountain dancing (more on that in a bit), there was a litany of things happening behind the scenes (and even on set) that fans even the most avid of fans were never aware of. From casting switch-ups, to budget issues leading and even Bruce Willis losing a bet to Matthew Perry, here are the top 10 crazy facts about the beloved TV sitcom, Friends.
作为一部1994年开播、播出长达十季、极具标志性的电视连续剧,至今仍然鲜有作品能与《老友记》匹敌。从90年代早期首播至今已有20年,粉丝们依旧对自己喜欢的剧中片段津津乐道,包括那些或幽默、或感伤、或者是口头禅式的爆发点台词——"WE WERE ON A BREAK"(罗斯与瑞秋分手时的经典台词)、"Oh. My. God."(钱德勒的前女友詹妮丝的经典台词,其他老友也模仿过)、"Could this be any more"(后面可插入各种各样以钱德勒·宾口吻说出的人称、地点名词或者事物)。所有那些令人难忘的片段,那些邂逅、分手和喷泉里共舞的情节(这里稍后详述),在其幕后、片场都发生了许多故事。这是粉丝们、哪怕是最狂热的粉丝,都没办法想象到的。包括演员班底的变更、经费不足、甚至还有布鲁斯·威利斯打赌输给马修·派瑞,等等。本文将会讲述关于我们挚爱的情景喜剧《老友记》中十个出人意料的真相。

10.Joey and Monica Were Supposed to Be the Main Couple



As all of us hardcore Friends fans know, the main couple of the show that pulled at our heartstrings and demanded our attention with their on-again, off-again romance throughout the series was Ross and Rachel. I can remember when these two stole my heart right from the pilot as we all watched Rachel—who had moved in with Monica after going all runaway bride on her dentist fiancee—clamor with the sudden 180 her life had taken as Ross awkwardly (i.e., adorably) tried to compose himself around a girl he had had a crush on since high school.

However, unbeknownst to many, that coupling was actually never supposed to happen or even considered by the writers before the series aired. The creators decided to begin a romantic storyline arc between Ross and Rachel when they saw the chemistry between David Schimmer and Jennifer Aniston. Originally, the main romantic storyline was meant to be between Joey and Monica, but that never developed, thank goodness. The character of Monica had a string of romances on the show, including a notable storyline that involved her and guest star Tom Selleck, who played ophthalmologist Richard Burke. The chemistry between Cox and Selleck was undeniable, and their character's age difference—along with the fact that Richard knew Monica because he was a friend of her father's—added to the intrigue of the coupling, and a slew of hilariously uncomfortable situations for both. Monica and Richard would later break up (it was so heartbreaking!) during Barry and Mindy's wedding in season two due to the fact that Richard did not want to have children and Monica did. All is well that ends well, however. In the season 4 finale, it is revealed that Monica and Chandler have what was meant to be a one night stand in London during Ross's wedding to Emily (who we all disliked of course because Ross is meant to be with Rachel, duh). As we all remember (or if you don't, you seriously need to do some binge watching), this hook up led to several more hookups, a series of hilarious incidents where Chandler and Monica attempt to hide their relationship and the eventual reveal of their relationship to all of the gang. The two went on to become engaged, get married and ended up adopting twins by the series' end. Chandler and Monica forever, am I right??

9.Courtney Cox Turned Down the Role of Rachel



It's hard to imagine the role of Rachel being played by anyone other than Jennifer Aniston. However, the role was originally supposed to go to Courtney Cox. Cox turned down the role because she said she preferred to play Monica, because she felt that character was "stronger". Thank goodness she and the creators went that route, because Cox as Monica was absolute perfection! Heck, could you honestly picture any of the cast members playing another character?

Jennifer Aniston was also the last person to be cast. At the time, she was still a relatively unknown actress, but that changed rapidly with the success of Friends. Today, Aniston is considered an A-list celebrity and movie star, who has even received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

8.The Opening Credits Weren't Shot in New York



The opening credits to Friends may be as iconic as the show itself. With the feel-good 90's track I'll Be There For You by The Rembrandts playing in the background (which was actually co-written by Friends' creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane), we see the entire cast dancing with umbrellas in a fountain that appears to be in New York City—just as I finished writing that sentence, I realized how weird that concept sounds but somehow they made it work. Apparently, the scene was never shot in a park in New York City, but on a Warner Bros. lot. Go figure. According to IMDB, the whole thing took place during a 4 a.m. shoot where the water was kept warm via a heated pump.

《老友记》的片头与这部剧本身一样经典——伴着伦勃朗乐队那首《I'll Be There For You》的悦耳旋律(这是一首九十年代的歌曲,由《老友记》的鼻祖玛尔塔·考夫曼和大卫·克拉尼共同创作),剧中主角时而撑伞、时而在纽约的某个喷泉中共舞的画面映入眼帘。就在我写下这句话时,忽然意识到"在纽约的喷泉跳舞"这一点有些诡异,但制作出来的效果还不错。那座喷泉看似是在纽约的某个公园,其实是在华纳兄弟的摄影棚。你就想嘛,据互联网电影资料库的资料显示,这个场景是在清晨4点时拍的,连水都是靠加热泵保温,肯定不是纽约啊!
Oh well. I still love the credits all the same and—to this day—can't pass a fountain without the urge to have a splashy dance party in it. That would probably have me arrested, though, so I'll continue to resist. While we're on the subject of splashy dance parties, however, I'd like to note that an unexpected Hollywood honcho seems to enjoy engaging in them himself—and his said splashy dance party lines up perfect with the Friends theme song. Coincidence? I think not. Check out a mashup of Kanye West splashing around in a lake in Armenia with The Rembrandts' "I'll Be There For You" playing in the background here.
尽管如此,我依旧非常喜欢这个片头。直到今天,我每次经过喷泉时都有一股在喷泉中举办舞会的冲动。但我那么做可能会被捕耶,所以只好按捺住澎湃的心潮。各位或许有幸能参与一场喷泉舞会,但大家绝对想不到某位好莱坞老板很喜欢这种舞会,他觉得喷泉舞会配上《老友记》的主题曲非常完美!有人说是巧合?不见得吧,不信你把《I'll Be There For You》这首歌与坎耶·韦斯特在亚美尼亚的湖中戏水的场景混搭在一起看看。

7.Many People Originally Thought Chandler Was Gay



Could Chandler Bing be any more heterosexual? Apparently that wasn't a widely held sentiment. Lisa Kudrow was surprised during the show's first table read to learn that Chandler wasn't gay, as that was her original interpretation of him. During the show's early days, many fans speculated about Chandler's sexual orientation as well.

No, Chandler wasn't gay, just a master of sarcasm to a somewhat flamboyant extent at times. Of course, to quote another popular 90s sitcom, there would be "nothing wrong with that" if he was, but then we wouldn't have had the glorious romance of Monica and Chandler and the grating yet hilarious story arc between Chandler and his on-again off-again girlfriend, Janice.

6.Bruce Willis Guest Starred For Free After Losing a Bet



In season 6, Bruce Willis guest starred in a few episodes as the father of Ross's girlfriend (and former student), Elizabeth. Willis's character, Paul Stevens, and Ross had a testy relationship due to the fact that he disapproved of the age difference between Ross and Elizabeth. Paul went on to have a brief relationship with Rachel, and during that time, Ross is able to garner somewhat of a truce with Paul. In Willis's most memorable episode, "The One Where Paul's The Man", Ross and Elizabeth attempt to hide their relationship from Paul and escape for a weekend at Elizabeth's grandmother's cottage, not knowing that Paul and Rachel are arriving that same weekend. While hiding under a bed from Paul, Ross catches Paul giving himself a pep talk about Rachel in a hilarious sequence where he starts singing to himself, flexing, and calling himself "the man" and a "love machine". When Paul catches wind that Ross was privy to this, he no longer makes threat against Ross's and Elizabeth's relationship.

在第六季里,布鲁斯·威利斯作为罗斯女友伊丽莎白的父亲,客串出演了几集。威利斯饰演的保罗·斯蒂文斯在剧里因为介意罗斯和伊丽莎白之间的年龄差距问题,而和罗斯关系紧张。保罗和瑞秋也有过短暂的交往,在他们交往期间,罗斯和他的关系有所缓解。在威利斯出演的那几集里,最让人印象深刻的一集是"保罗的故事" 。在那一集里,罗斯和伊丽莎白瞒着保罗偷偷交往,并跑到伊丽莎白奶奶的小木屋共度周末,却不知保罗和瑞秋也约在了那儿。当时罗斯为了躲保罗,藏在床底,却无意看到一个很滑稽的画面:保罗因为担心面对瑞秋不自信而对着镜子给自己打气、摩拳擦掌、称自己为"男子汉"和"爱情机器"。当保罗发现罗斯看到这幅场景之后,他不再反对罗斯和伊丽莎白在一起了。
Willis was certainly a memorable guest star, but what many people don't know is that Willis wasn't paid a dime for his stint due to losing a bet with Matthew Perry, who starred alongside Willis in The Whole Nine Yards. The story goes that Perry bet Willis that the film would debut at number one in the box office, and Willis disagreed. Lo and behold, the film hit number one and for losing the bet Willis agreed to appear on Friends and donate his would-be paycheck to charity.

审校:Freya然 编辑:Freya然 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
parallel ['pærəlel]


adj. 平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

avid ['ævid]


adj. 渴望的,贪婪的,热心的

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款

orientation [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən]


n. 信仰,趋向,定位,适应,情况介绍

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

sequence ['si:kwəns]


n. 顺序,连续,次序,序列,一系列

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓





