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柏金和夏洛特甘斯布 缪斯母女档

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Oui,” Charlotte Gainsbourg answered her mother, Jane Birkin, with a giggle.

“哎,”夏洛特·甘斯布(Charlotte Gainsbourg)笑着回答母亲简·柏金(Jane Birkin)。

It was a little like they were using the telephone for the first time. They last spoke, if youre curious, about a week ago.


But we text a lot,” Ms. Gainsbourg said.


We do,” Ms. Birkin agreed. “But I must get into Skype. Does it work on a mobile?”


Oh yeah it does,” Ms. Gainsbourg said. “Its just youre always ugly, but it does work.”


Well, if Im ugly, its normal,” Ms. Birkin said.


They both howled with laughter. But there is something to the notion that as poised as they are, this mother and daughtercelebrated for their acting, their singing, their innate stylearent afraid of being ugly when it comes to their art. “I hate films when I have to pretend to be pretty,” Ms. Gainsbourg said. “Its the thing that makes me lose confidence. The pretend is too much. So each time I have dark circles, thats what I enjoy the most.”


Ms. Birkin, who first came on the scene with a nude cameo in Michelangelo Antonionis 1966 filmBlow-Up,” seemed admiring. “Ive realized this about you, and I wish I had realized it about myself earlier on,” she said. “When the whole point, when the only point, is that youre pretty, then its horrifying. Ive done a few with just being really pretty, and its very, very stressful. It would be much nicer to have not given a hoot, and I dont give a hoot anymore now, but its a bit late.”

柏金女士最早涉足影视界是在米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)1966年的电影《放大》(Blow-Up)的一幕中裸体客串亮相,她对女儿的看法表示赞赏。“我发现了你这一面,我希望自己也能早点意识到,”她说。“当人们只关注你是不是漂亮,这非常恐怖。我拍过一些只靠漂亮脸蛋的片子,压力非常非常大。对相貌毫不关心感觉要好得多,现在我也已经不在乎了,不过还是有点晚了。”

Ms. Birkin, 69, who is British-born but made her career in France, was speaking from Paris in the phone interview, while Ms. Gainsbourg, 44, was in New York. As actresses, they share a fearlessness that takes them to extremes. Beginning Friday, Jan. 29, the Film Society of Lincoln Center will underscore that quality in presentingJane and Charlotte Forever,” a series of 19 films spanning five decades that also highlights the work of daring directors like Jacques Rivette, Agnès Varda, Jacques Doillon and Lars von Trier.

现年69岁的柏金女士生于英国,但事业生涯是在法国开始的,她在巴黎接受了电话采访,44岁的甘斯布女士在纽约接受了采访。两人都是演员,都有趋向极端的无畏性格。1月29日星期五,林肯中心电影协会将推出“永远的简与夏洛特”(Jane and Charlotte Forever)展映,其中包括19部电影,时间横跨50余年,包括雅克·里维特( Jacques Rivette)、阿涅斯·瓦尔达(Agnès Varda)、雅克·杜瓦隆(Jacques Doillon)与拉斯·冯·提尔(Lars von Trier)等以大胆著称的导演们的作品,这些影片无不体现了她们的勇敢无畏。

That appetite for risk is what Dennis Lim, director of programming at the Film Society, is most drawn to. “Theyre very adventurous actresses, and theyre actresses that understand the uses of provocation,” he said. “I also like how theyre loyal. They know how to be muses.”

电影协会的放映主管丹尼斯·利姆(Dennis Lim)尤其喜爱她们的冒险精神。“她们是非常大胆的演员,她们非常懂得该怎样使用挑衅的方式,”他说。“我还喜欢她们的忠诚。她们知道该怎样成为人们的缪斯。”

Opening night will include screenings ofAntichrist,” Mr. von Triers graphic film starring Ms. Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe as a couple grieving over their infants death, andLa Pirate,” Mr. Doillons career-changing film for Ms. Birkin, who plays a woman whose female ex-lover is trying to persuade her to resume their affair.

展映开幕当晚将上映冯·提尔先生的《反基督者》(Antichrist),甘斯布女士与威廉·达福(Willem Dafoe)饰演一对痛悼幼子之死的夫妻,此外还将上映《海盗》(La Pirate),该片由杜瓦隆先生执导,一举改变了柏金女士的演艺生涯,她在其中饰演的女主角一直受到前女友要求复合的纠缠。

The series also includes an exhibition of photographs by Kate Barry, Ms. Birkins daughter with John Barry, the British composer. Ms. Gainsbourg recalled that Ms. Barry, who died in a fall two years ago, wasalways putting makeup on me, dressing me like a dollwhen they were children.

展映系列还包括一组凯特·巴里(Kate Barry)所拍摄的照片,她是柏金女士与英国作曲家约翰·巴里(John Barry)所生的女儿。巴里女士于两年前的秋天去世,甘斯布女士回忆,两人小时候,“她总是给我化妆,像打扮洋娃娃一样打扮我”。

Then, of course, theres the singer, songwriter, actor and director Serge Gainsbourg, Charlottes father, who died in 1991 but still lives on in Ms. Gainsbourgs handsomely chiseled face and in Ms. Birkins voice when she sings his songs. The Film Society will screen hisCharlotte for Ever,” which touches on incest and pedophilia and features a 14-year-old Ms. Gainsbourg, and hisJe taime moi non plus” (“I Love You Me Neither”), which stars a 30-year-old Ms. Birkin as a boyish young waitress to whom a gay male truck driver becomes deeply attracted.

当然,别忘了夏洛特的父亲,歌手、唱作人、演员和导演,塞日·甘斯布(Serge Gainsbourg)。他于1991年去世,但当人们端详甘斯布女士英气勃勃、轮廓分明的面孔,听到柏金女士唱起他创作的歌曲时,分明还能感受到他的气息。电影协会此次将放映他的《永远的夏洛特》(Charlotte for Ever),内容涉及乱伦和恋童,14岁的甘斯布女士主演了该片;此外还有《我爱你,我也不爱你》(Je taime moi non plus),时年30岁的柏金在其中出演一个男孩子气的年轻女招待,一个男同性恋卡车司机非常迷恋她。

In another bit of familial overlap, both Ms. Birkin and Ms. Gainsbourg appear in Ms. VardasKung Fu Master,” in which Ms. Birkin, who wrote and pitched the story upon which the film is based, plays a mother who falls in love with her daughters 14-year-old classmate. (The boy, Mathieu Demy, is played by Ms. Vardas son. That was Ms. Birkins idea.)

还有一部影片是两人共演的——她俩都出现在瓦尔达的《功夫大师》(Kung Fu Master)里,电影的故事是柏金女士自己写的,她在其中饰演一个母亲,爱上了女儿14岁的同学。这个男孩则是由瓦尔达的儿子马修·戴米(Mathieu Demy)饰演,这也是柏金的主意。

Agnès Varda said, ‘Well, if you take Mathieu, then I want Charlotte,’” Ms. Birkin recalled. “I didnt think Charlotte would say yes. But we wanted her bedroom. It was all shot in our house, and then the kind girl said yes. It was just too much for her to have her bedroom taken up and put another girl in her bed. I said to Charlotte: ‘You know, you cant get out of it with Agnès. If you said yes, you cant go back on it.’ She said she wouldnt. But I didnt feel she was enjoying herself enormously.”


Ms. Gainsbourgs response was swift: “No, I wasnt. But she was living in our house for a year.”


She said she still treasured the time spent in her childhood watching Ms. Birkin on film shoots. It wasas if I could watch her with a microscope,” she said. “There was something so privileged about just being able to put my gaze on her.”


She also recalled the first time she sawJe taime moi non plus,” on a little television in her room. “I was maybe 18,” Ms. Gainsbourg said. “It wasnt a lot of time before my father died, and so I was able to call him upI dont know if I told you! I didnt. But it was such a revelation because I had waited so long. I dont knowI loved every single thing about it. And that was the first step of watching her as an adult.”


And of course, Ms. Birkin watched Ms. Gainsbourg develop as an actress as a girl. She said she was captivated by her natural ability: “She used to put down her comic book and be able to burst into tears across the garden and then go back to her comic book,” Ms. Birkin said. “Its extremely focused, her workshes always believable. I dont know whether one could say that about a lot of other actors. If shes a heroin addict, shes a heroin addict. If shes a mother of three, shes a mother of three. If shes a virgin, shes a virgin.


In the films shes doing, shes found her way to liberty. She can play all these different parts and still cook dinner for the children.”


Ms. Gainsbourg has three children with the French actor and director Yvan Attal. And his comedyMy Wife Is an Actress,” which stars him and Ms. Gainsbourg, is included in the series. It is yet another example of lifes imitating art. That may not be the case with her ravaged performances in Mr. von Triers boundary-pushing films, but for Ms. Gainsbourg, “exploring sick things are the most exciting.”

甘斯布和法国演员、导演伊万·阿达勒(Yvan Attal)生有三个孩子。阿达勒导演的喜剧片《我的老婆是演员》(My Wife Is an Actress)由夫妻俩亲自出演,也将在这次展映中放映。这又是一次艺术对现实生活生活的戏仿。而在冯·提尔那些挑战边界的影片里,甘斯布的表演却极具破坏性,对于她来说:“探索病态的事物是最刺激的。”

When she was shootingAntichrist,” she recalled, Ms. Birkin was the only person she could confide in. “It was in a humorous way, because it was so extreme that I had a lot to laugh about,” Ms. Gainsbourg said. “I could go into every detail and not be ashamed about any of it.”


Every detail was a delight!” Ms. Birkin said.


The freedom that Ms. Gainsbourg experiences with her mother, she said, helped her believe that she could take onAntichrist.” Her parents could be wild, but as a child, she said, she did not suffer or feel shame. “Im just thinking about my children and how far can I go without being a big problem for them,” she said. “I think I am a problem for them.”


Even though Ms. Gainsbourg is the epitome of gangly chic, she hasnt always felt comfortable in her skin. Her mother, she noted, is literally a fashion icon: “Youre always on mood boards.”


The thing is, growing up, I was very, very conscious that I didnt have the look,” Ms. Gainsbourg said. Ms. Birkin laughed, but Ms. Gainsbourg added: “No, Im not kidding. I felt sonot ugly, but just so ordinary in comparison.”


On a motherly note, Ms. Birkin had the last word: “You did well to be just yourself and not to try and be like anyone else, because theres nobody else that looks like you, and theres nobody else that performs like you.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

familial [fə'miljəl]


adj. 家族的,家庭的

appetite ['æpitait]


n. 嗜好,食欲,欲望

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

swift [swift]


adj. 快的,迅速的
n. 雨燕,线轴

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

adventurous [əd'ventʃərəs]


adj. 爱冒险的,大胆的,惊险的

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

comic ['kɔmik]


n. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素


关键字: 柏金 甘斯布




