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阿拉伯世界的商业潜力 Unrealised business potential of Arab world

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Many consider the term theArab worldto be a misnomer, for while it identifies a linguistic region with deep historical, cultural and religious affinities it lumps together, say, a Dubai and an Aleppo. Yet many of those same people find it hard to remember a time when this regions prospects looked more uniformly bleak. Everyone can discern the commercial vibrancy of a city like Dubai, and differentiate it from the apocalyptic ruins of Aleppo, the war-stricken business hub of Syria. But there is a pall of violence and upheaval that seems to envelop the region as a whole.


Ethno-sectarian war is cracking Syria and Iraq into de facto partition, with Isis and its cross-border caliphate in both countries threatening the rest of the Levantand beyond. The cycles of upheaval in Egypt, the most populous Arab state, have turned the country inwards, menaced by Isis in the Sinai to the east and from a crumbling Libya to its west. The absolute monarchies of the Gulf reacted to the wave of theArab Springturmoil with a mix of repression and largesse, hosing their subjects into quiescence with handouts worth tens of billions of dollars. The oil price collapse has made the long-term affordability of this moot.


Progress is visible, as this report showsfrom the growing confidence of women in business in Saudi Arabia to entrepreneur Karim Tazi speaking out against corruption in higher places in Morocco. Oil majors remain attracted to Iraq and its vast hydrocarbon reserves, while arms manufacturers, backed by casuistic western governments, continue the scramble for lucrative contracts from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates.

正如本报告所显示的那样,进步是可见的——从沙特商界女性的信心不断增强,到企业家Karim Tazi大声疾呼、反对摩洛哥高层的腐败现象。大型石油企业仍被吸引到伊拉克,同时在言行不一的西方政府支持下,军火生产商继续争取从沙特和阿联酋等阿拉伯国家获得利润丰厚的合同。

Yet the sense of lost opportunity and wasted potential weighs heavily. Talk of Iraq as an oil superpower to rival Saudi Arabia seems premature when this fracturing country cannot deliver electricity to its citizens, let alone security. Egypt signed big contracts this spring, mainly in energy and infrastructure, at an economic summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, a place now better known as the airport where a bomb was placed on a Russian plane. The political class in Lebanon, historically a free-wheeling, laissez-faire economic environment but deeply divided on sectarian lines, cannot agree on a president or terms for overdue general elections, much less how to share recently discovered offshore gas riches, which remain untouched.


The weaknesses of institutions, substandard education, and a rule of law at the whim of ruling elites, inhibit domestic as well as foreign investors. They cloud the future of youthful populations made aware by the digital revolution of opportunities they are being denied.


The talent is there. Farouk al-Kasim, an Iraqi engineer from Basra, helped design the structure of Norways oil industry and its vast sovereign wealth fund, the envy of the world. Steve Jobs, the late chief executive of Apple, was the son of a Syrian immigrant.

阿拉伯世界不缺人才。来自巴士拉的伊拉克工程师法鲁克阿勒卡西姆(Farouk al-Kasim)帮助设计了挪威石油工业和该国庞大主权财富基金的结构。该基金令全世界艳羡。苹果(Apple)已故首席执行官史蒂夫吠布斯(Steve Jobs)是一名叙利亚移民的儿子。

Arabs do well abroad. Arab countries on the whole, afflicted by cronyism, corruption and state capture by authoritarian elites, need to do far better.


But there are attempts to fight back. A group of expat executives called Lebanese International Finance Executives (Life), for example, is trying to leverage the very strong position of the diaspora in international finance houses to inject knowledge and entrepreneurial opportunity back into their country. The group also suggests foreigners looking to invest need a mix of patience and empathy.


Asked what lessons she would offer investors wanting to do business in the region, Paola Barbarino, the Italian chief executive of Life, makes three essential points. First, “give time for relationships to develop” — it is best not do business after first meetings. Second, “respect the wealth of trading experience that the person youre dealing with can draw on”. Third, “try and understand beforehand the context in which the person operates”.

当被问及她会对想到阿拉伯世界做生意的投资者提供什么经验时,意大利籍的Life首席执行官保拉巴尔巴里诺(Paola Barbarino)提出了三个要点。第一,“花时间培养关系”——最好不要见过一次面之后就做生意。第二,“尊重你打交道的人可以利用的丰富交易经验”。第三,“事先努力了解此人运作的大环境”。

Rapport and personal contact is at the heart of business dealings everywhere in the Arab world, which takes time, patienceand an appetite for risk.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
inject [in'dʒekt]


v. 注射

authoritarian [ə.θɔ:ri'tɛriən]


adj. 权力主义的,独裁主义的
n. 独裁主

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

summit ['sʌmit]


n. 顶点;最高阶层
vi. 参加最高级会议,

differentiate [.difə'renʃi.eit]


vt. 识别,使差异,求导数,区分,区别对待

cronyism ['krəuniizəm]


n. 任人唯亲

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

context ['kɔntekst]


n. 上下文,环境,背景

misnomer [,mis'nəumə]


n. 用词不当;写错姓名;误称

inhibit [in'hibit]


v. 禁止,抑制
[计算机] 禁止





