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双语财经新闻 第79期:心脏医学领域先驱--阿尔伯特斯塔尔

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Cardiac medicine has made tremendous strides since the 1950s, when surgeons placed the first experimental artificial valves in the human heart.

One of the pioneers in that field is Dr. Albert Starr, who co-invented the heart valuewhich has extended the lives of millions of people. Starr was just 16 when he enrolled at Columbia University in New York during World War II. At that time, school offered accelerated1 programs for young men heading off to war. He finished in two years, and by the time he was 22, had completed medical school. By then, World War II had ended, but the United States was involved in the Korean War so Starr decided to become a military doctor.
阿尔伯特斯塔尔是这个领域的先驱者之一,救治了数百万人的生命。斯塔尔 进人纽约哥伦比亚大学就读时才16岁。当时正值第二次世界大战期间,学校为将要 奔赴战场的男青年开设了速成班。他在两年后念完了速成班,22岁从医学院毕业。 那时二战已经结束,美国卷人了朝鲜战争,斯塔尔决定当一名军医。
At first, I was a battalion surgeon on the front line, getting shot at. And then I was transferred to a mobile army surgical hospital, a MASH 8076, and I spent a year there,” says Starr. “During that year, I did more than 1000 major operations, just as a young kid. I mean, I was 23 years old.”
斯塔尔说:“起初,我是前线部队的外科医生,生活在枪林弹雨当中。后来我被 调到陆军流动外科医院,MASH 8076,并且在那儿待了一年。那一年里,我做了 1000 多个大手术。我那时还是个23岁的毛头小伙子呢。”
It was a perfect training ground for the future heart surgeon. After leaving the military, Starr moved into the new field of open-heart surgery.
对这位未来的心脏外科医生来说,这是个最理想的锻炼机会。离开军队之后, 斯塔尔进入了体外循环心内直视手术领域。
But it was very limited in scope because you couldnt take too long to do these operations. It would injure various vital organs, especially the brain,” he says. “So we had to develop a mechanical device to imitate3 the lungs and the pumping action of the heart, the heart-lung machine, and it was that development that allowed the growth of open-heart surgery,”
他说可是我们能使用的时间非常有限,因为你不能花太多时间来做这些手 术,它会损伤不同的重要器官,特别是大脑。所以,我们必须研发一种机械装置,模 仿肺脏和心脏跳动——心肺机。心肺机的面世使开心手术得以发展。”
Researchers in Philadelphia developed that machine in the 1950s. It pumped oxygenated blood through the body, giving surgeons enough time to try to correct faulty heart valves, including the mitral valve inside the heart.
费城的研究者们195#代研发了这种机器。它把含有氧气的血液输送到全身, 给外科医生足够的时间修补有缺陷的心脏辦膜,包括心脏里面的冠状辦膜。
We could put a patient on the heart-lung machine. We could open the left atrium. We could look at the mitral valve. Sometimes we could repair it. If we couldnt repair it, we had no alternative,,,says Starr. “There was nothing to fall back on, so yalyular4 surgery without an artificial valveat least as a backupwas a very dangerous game to play.
斯塔尔说:“我们能够把一名患者和心肺机连接,打开左心房,看到冠状瓣膜。 有时候我们能够修复它,如果不能修复它,就没有替代方法,无路可退。所以没有人造瓣膜的瓣膜手术是一个非常危险的游戏。”
At the University of Oregon Medical SchoolStarr got a visit one day from an eccentric engineer named Lowell Edwards. An inventor with many patents to his name, Edwards offered hope for a solution.
He was a strange character, but I found out he was a great inventor, with a tremendous reputation. He had retired and had a lot of time on his hands and he wanted to develop an artificial heart
Starr convinced Edwards to narrow his focus and help develop a mechanical replacement for the hearts mitral valve, which controls blood flow within the heart.
The pair employed the latest space-age materialsDacron, which was already used in heart grafts, as well as Teflon and a flexible silicone5 called Silastic. Their device consisted of a ball inside a cage that moved back and forth, in turn allowing the blood to flow inside or blocking it. The physician experimented with dogs and solved successive problems, from suture leaks to blood clots.
他们两人采用了最先进的太空时代材利达克隆。达克隆当时已经在心脏移植手术中使用。他们还采用了特氟隆和一种有弹性的硅胶,叫作硅橡胶。他们的 装置含有一个在前后活动的笼子里的球体,交替让血液流人或者堵住血液流人。医 生用狗来试验,解决了缝合、血栓等一系列问题。
Starr says he and Lowell also encountered non-surgical challenges as they moved through uncharted territory. “We had to design everything, including the ethical elements, financial, clinical. We attacked one at a time, so the first thing we had to decide was, when we do our first human implant?”
斯塔尔说,他和洛厄尔在这片处女地探索的过程中也遇到一些非外科手术方面的挑战。“我们得设计一切事情,包括伦理因素、财务、临床。我们一次攻一个问 Mo我们必须解决的第一件事就是’我们什么时候麟一从类植入手术。”
As the laboratory test dogs survived longer and longer, Starr found himself doing human surgeries sooner than he expected.
The chief of cardiology visits the animal laboratory and sees all these healthy dogs with mitral valve replacements. And actually one of them sticks his head through the cage and licks his hand. Meanwhile, hes got a hospital full of patients in oxygen tents that need mitral valve replacement, and he said, 4You cant wait on this. Weve got patients that need this device.”
斯塔尔说:“心脏学主任参观了动物实验室,看到那些换上冠状瓣膜的狗都健康。甚至还有一条狗从笼子里伸出头来舔他的手。在这同时呢,医院吸氧室里挤满 了患者,他们需要替换冠状瓣膜。于是他说,‘你们不能再等了。我们有患者需要这 个装置。’”
Because Starr was operating on patients with terminal6 heart disease, there were many failures along the way. The first patient to receive a mitral valve implant, a woman in her 30s, died when an air bubble formed inside her heart. By the early 1960s, however, many of Starrs artificial mitral valve patients were successfully resuming their lives.
因为斯塔尔是为晚期心脏病人做手术,所以一路走来有许多失败的病例。第一 个接受冠状瓣膜移植的是一名30多岁的妇女。她心脏里形成的一个气泡要了她的 命。然而在60¥代早期,斯塔尔医生的人造冠状嫌膜替换术挽救了许多患者的生
Today, hundreds of thousands of patients have had this type of implant, either the Starr-Edwards valve design or refinements on that model. Thousands of Starrs former patients send him updates through the social networking Internet site Facebook.
今天,数以十万计的患者做了这种手术,要么用斯塔尔爱德华兹设计的瓣膜, 要么用这种模式的改进型。斯塔尔从前的数千名患者通过Facebook向他报告最新 情况。
Starr no longer does surgery, but is active as a medical consultant, researcher and teacher. He looks back on the great strides in cardiac surgery over his six decades of practice ——refinements in artificial heart valves, dramatic transplant operations and the widely used procedure of heart bypass surgeryproud to have played a part in developing techniques that have extended so many lives.
现在,阿尔伯特斯塔尔不再做外科手术了。不过他仍然活跃在医疗咨询、研究和教学领域。回首60年,心脏外科手术取得了巨大进步,人造心脏瓣膜不断改进提 高,重大的器官移植手术成为可能,心脏搭桥手术广泛使用。他为自己在研发他所 说的延续了千百万人生命的技术当中发挥了作用而感到骄傲。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

mechanical [mi'kænikəl]


adj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的
n. (供制

eccentric [ik'sentrik]


adj. 古怪的,反常的,不同圆心的
n. 怪

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

suture ['sju:tʃə]


n. 缝合,缝合处,缝合用的线 vt. 缝合

scope [skəup]


n. 能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地
vt. 仔

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的





