Apple (33 percent) would do a better job than politicians taking over U.S. government operations, says a new Breakout BrandsTM survey by rbb Communications. The national survey tapped opinions on a variety of brand preferences.
Walt Disney (28 percent) earned the second spot on the list of brands that consumers would vote for to run the government, followed by American Express (18 percent), Facebook (11 percent) and Starbucks (10 percent) rounding out the top five. Americans identify with companies that focus on their needs – more specifically, brands that "get" them.

"Building a relationship with today's consumer is a lot like dating," says Christine Barney, managing partner and CEO of rbb Communications. "Brands like Apple do well at the dating game because they get into the consumers' heads to achieve the kind of meaningful emotional connections that lead to loyalty."
"rbb"管理合伙人兼首席执行官克莉丝汀·巴尼(Christine Barney)说:"现如今,拉拢消费者的过程更像在与消费者约会。苹果等品牌在约会中的表现就很好,因为他们能走入消费者心中,生成非常有意义的情感连接,进而提高消费者的品牌忠诚度。"
"American consumers have high expectations," added Barney. "In fact, research shows that 57 percent of Americans are more likely to trust a company that consistently offers excellent customer service over one that consistently offers excellent prices."
Other noteworthy Breakout Brand result findings include:
1.52 percent of Americans chose "responsive" when asked to pick the word that best describes companies they most want to do business with.
2.44 percent of Americans think a "live" customer service agent they can speak to in-person or on the phone is essential for them to keep doing business with a company.
3.Americans chose Amazon (25 percent), Apple (15 percent) and Uber (13 percent) as the top 3 Breakout Brands of 2015.
Understanding how the changing marketplace impacts Breakout Brands is vital in today's world of social media. The full Breakout Brands report will be available soon.