Normally, it would be unthinkable to consume meat that's over a few days old, but thanks to French butcher Alexandre Polmard it is actually possible to enjoy 'vintage' meats from cows that were butchered decades ago!
Polmard offers his customers the world's most expensive meat, aged through 'hibernation', a special process that his grandfather and father invented in the 1990s. Cold air is blown over the meat at speeds of 120 kilometers per hour, in a -43 C environment, making the meat theoretically last forever. It will not rot with age, and will continue to taste fresh indefinitely.

Meat prepared through Polmard's process obviously doesn't come cheap. The 2000 vintage cote de boeuf (rib steak), for instance, costs about 3,000 euros. The steep price not only covers the 'hibernation' process, but also the cost of raising an exclusive breed of cattle called 'Blonde Aquitaine'.
Polmard also talks to his animals every day, to ensure that they remain stress-free and comfortable, right down to the very end. He explained that when a cow is stressed it results in higher levels of glycogen and lactic acid, making its meat flavorless and tough. So Polmard spends millions of dollars on infrastructure to take care of his cows, and ensures that only four cows are killed every week.
In fact, the amount of meat he produces is so small that the Polmard boucherie in Paris looks more like a vintage wine shop . There's a long list of people who've put down their names months in advance to try some of the rarest, most aged meats.
Just like with wine, the different vintages that Polmard produces have different flavors and characteristics. The most exclusive and expensive cuts are reserved for a handful of Michelin-star chefs, but Polmard says he personally visits them to make sure they understand the nuances and subtleties of the meat.