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5.Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is arguably one of the greatest minds of this generation. Not only did he lead Apple in its revolution of mobile technology, but he also played a part in the growth of Pixar as a film company.


However, his image as a cool inventor who gives gifts to humanity is beyond misleading. Apple is a business and, like any business, aims to make a profit. However, unlike most businesses, Apple readily employs people in sub-human conditions. Steve Jobs didn't see this as a problem, claiming sweatshops "aren't that bad." Steve Jobs was also not known for his charitable giving. Unlike other rich people, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs did not donate his vast wealth to good causes, and when Jobs regained control of Apple, he shut down Apple's charity programs.

然而,他在人们眼里确实以冷酷的发明家出现。他的冷酷无情的这种特质无疑是印证了人类性格的多样性,人们对他的这种印象绝不是道听途说的。和别的公司一样, 苹果公司也是一家盈利公司,但是跟别的公司不同的是,苹果公司的工作要求和工作环境真的不是为人类而设计的。而乔布斯却认为"血汗工厂"并没有什么不对的。跟别的土豪比如比尔·盖茨和马克·扎克伯格不一样,乔布斯是一个从不从事慈善事业的人。乔布斯不仅没有把他手头上的大笔财产贡献一部分给慈善事业,而且当他重新掌握苹果公司的大权时,他还关闭了苹果公司的慈善部门。

4.Mahatma Ghandi



Mahatma Gandhi is well known for his belief in non-violence resistance and his pacifist nature. However, what is less well known is his devotion to his vow of celibacy and the lengths he would go to confirm it. For Gandhi, sexual abuse of his teenage grandnieces was part of that vow. While it is not known whether or not Gandhi engaged in sexual acts with the young girls, he certainly slept naked with them, which is seen as child abuse by both the UK and US Governments.

圣雄甘地为世人所熟知的是非暴力抵 抗的信念和他热爱和平的天性。然而,他对独身誓言的奉献和他为实现誓言而付出的努力却鲜为人知。对于甘地来说,他十几岁的孙侄女的性虐待问题也是誓言的一部分。虽然目前还不知道甘地是否曾经与年轻女孩发生性行为,可以肯定的是他赤裸着与这些女孩睡在一起,这一幕使得英国和美国政府均认定甘地涉及性侵儿童。
While this act could be passed off as a difference in culture, there is another side to Gandhi which has even less in common with his popular image. Although Gandhi was famous for respecting all racesit was this respect that got him killed, after allhe was less than sympathetic towards the Jews who were being persecuted at the time. Following his belief in non-violent resistance, Gandhi claimed that the Jews would be better off killing themselves. Failing that, they should have allowed themselves to be killed. Despite a view that, at the very least, condoned the Holocaust, Gandhi was not a Nazi and actively opposed Nazi plans. However, this didn't stop him from praising Hitler, once describing the Fuhrer as the "defender of the Fatherland," and saying he wasn't as bad as people made him out to be.
虽然这种行为可以被解释为文化的差异而一带而过,但是甘地还有一面和通常的形象相差甚远。虽然甘地因尊重各个种族而著名 ——也正是因为这种尊重使得他被夺走生命,但是毕竟——他对当时正遭受迫害的犹太人却少了份同情和尊重,按照他非暴力抵抗的信念,甘地认为当时犹太人自杀是更好的选择。如果下不去手,就应该无怨被杀。尽管一种观点认为,甘地虽然纵容大屠杀,但是最起码他不是纳粹,并且积极反对纳粹的计划。然而,这并没有妨碍他赞美希特勒,他有一次描述希特勒为"祖国卫士",并说希特勒远没有人们编造的那么糟糕。




The prophet Mohammad lived in the Middle East during the 6th and 7th centuries, and from his work grew the world's second largest religion, Islam. However, while many Muslims today follow a peaceful brand of Islam, as practiced by Mohammad it was far from civil. During the faith's early years, Mohammad often spread Islam by ways of force and, when not spreading the word, would often raid trade routes that other groups relied on, just to get revenge.

先知穆罕默德生活在公元6到7世纪,他通过不断的努力才有了今天世界第二大宗教——伊斯兰教。然而,尽管今天许多穆斯林遵循伊斯兰教的和平理念,穆罕穆德当初实行的理念还远谈不上文明。 在成立伊斯兰教的最初几年里,穆罕默德经常以武力的方式来传播教义,并且当传播受阻的时候,他只是为了报复会经常突袭其他群体所依赖的贸易路线。
Mohammad was also guilty of what can only be seen as war crimes. After his group conquered a Jewish tribe, it was ordered that "all the able-bodied male persons belonging to the tribe should be killed." But Mohammad's orders did not end with murder. After conquering tribes, Mohammad often allowed his men to rape the women that were captured, as long as they weren't Muslims. There are also claims that Mohammad raped a 6-year-old girl. Some may argue that it was a different time, but that is no better an excuse than "I was just following orders."

2.Jimmy Savile



Jimmy Savile was one of Britain's favorite and most successful radio and TV broadcasters, with a career that lasted for over 30 years. During that time, he was well known for his charity work and often raised large amounts of money, as well as hosting a TV show where kids (and some adults) could have their dreams come true. For his work, Savile received an OBE, and most people thought it was well earned. However, what the public didn't know was that Savile was using his influences as a celebrity for a much darker purpose. A year after he died, it was revealed that Savile had sexually abused over 100 underage victims, many times offering them a place on his show in return for sexual favors. To add to his dark nature, the UK police have looked into claims that Savile abused young patients at a hospital he was a volunteer at. Savile was able to get away with these crimes for years because he wore the disguise of a generous carer so well that none questioned his motives, and he successfully hid his dark side from the public until after he died


1.Walt Disney



America's own beloved "Uncle Walt" made millions of dollars with great cartoons, animated features, and a family-focused entertainment company that continues to entertain millions to this day. He built Disneyland as a tourist destination and laid down plans for a Florida-based theme park that many around the globe consider "the happiest place on earth". Why, what could possibly be wrong with Walter Disney? Racism, for one. At least in modern eyes, some of Walt's decisions and comments would be considered everything from questionable to highly offensivelike referring to the dwarfs in Snow White as an n-word pile and buddying up with known anti-semites in the Motion Picture Alliance For the Preservation of American Ideals. He even personally welcomed Nazi film director Leni Riefenstahl at his studios 1 month after Kristallnacht. There are also rumors of sexism, mostly relating to his refusal to hire women in the creative process. Most people who knew Walt Disney claimed that he really wasn't aggressive in his racism, certainly in comparison with the times he lived in, but it does call into question some of his motivations for his decisions.


翻译:哈利小王子 杜琪 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

devotion [di'vəuʃən]


n. 虔诚,祈祷,献身,奉献,热爱

offensive [ə'fensiv]


adj. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的

questionable ['kwestʃənəbəl]


adj. 可疑的,可置疑的

abuse [ə'bju:s,ə'bju:z]


n. 滥用,恶习
vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的





