Empires collapse, stock markets crash, dynasties die out, but James Bond endures as one of cinema's longest-running and most lucrative franchises for over half a century. Spectre is the sequel to Skyfall.This classy upgrade paid off with box office receipts of $1.1 billion, with the most profitable Bond vehicle to date.
Spectre is the most expensive 007 movie to date, with a budget rumored to be well north of $250 million. At 148 minutes, it is also the longest.

After a spectacular demolition and helicopter fight leaves a trail of carnage, James Bond (Daniel Craig) is grounded. But he defies their orders as he races to Rome, the Austrian Alps and the Moroccan desert in search of Franz Oberhauser, the shadowy mastermind behind an all-powerful criminal cartel called Spectre.
With his chiseled physique and icy intensity, Craig is a tuxedo-clad Terminator and a weapon of mass 'seduction'.
But Craig's lack of humor or warmth remains problematic. His two main seduction scenes, first with a fleetingly featured Monica Bellucci, then with Seydoux, have a forced and jarring quality. Madeleine initially scorning Bond's irresistible charms, only to melt helplessly into his arms a few scenes later.
但克雷格缺乏幽默感、也不温润是个问题。他的两场诱惑大戏,第一场由莫妮卡·贝鲁奇领衔,转瞬即逝。接着是和赛杜,略显牵强突兀。 玛德琳(赛杜饰)起初对魅力难挡的邦德不屑一顾,几场戏之后又无可救药地投入邦德的怀抱、尽显温柔。
Spectre adds a few more shades of post-Freudian angst to Bond's psyche, dropping some clues about family traumas and ancient grudges. Cleverly referencing events and reviving characters from all three of Craig's previous 007 films, the script initially riffs on notions of memory and nostalgia.