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狄更斯办公桌的故事 Dickens and the latest chapter in the story of desks

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Earlier this year the desk on which Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations went up for sale. It was a clumpy Victorian piece of furniture, made of dark mahogany with heavy drawers on either side in a style so unfashionable that similar ones are to be had on Ebay for about 500.

今年早些时候,查尔斯狄更斯(Charles Dickens)写《远大前程》(Great Expectations)时所用的桌子要出售了。那是一件笨重的维多利亚时期家具,用暗色桃花心木制成,两边都有沉重的抽屉,这种风格实在太过时了,类似的款式在Ebay上只要大概500英镑就可以买到。

Yet such is the relationship between a person and his workstation that this particular deskalong with the chair on which the author placed his famous behindis now on display at his former house in Doughty Street, thanks to a charitable grant of more than 780,000.

然而,一个人和他的工作台的关系就是如此紧密,得益于一笔超过78万英镑的慈善捐款,这张桌子——和作者著名的臀部曾经坐过的那把椅子一起——现在都在伦敦道蒂街(Doughty Street)的狄更斯故居里展出。

Desks tell us a good deal about the person who sits at themas well as about the time at which the sitting was done. What Dickensdesk says is that writing is a serious but solitary businessand that the man who wrote here was important and prosperous.


My desk is made of beige melamine with grey metal legs and designed to slot together with similar ones. It is not a thing of beauty; its only design quirk is a scooped out arc in the middle at the front, as if to accommodate a beer belly.


This desk says I work in a democratic, faceless age, preoccupied by the ideas of teamwork and practicality. The scoop tells you not about the girth of workers, but that we care about ergonomics. The chair that goes with it is so comfortable that its occupant can sit there for 12 hours at a stretch without discomfort.


On my desk, alongside a computer, various old sandwich wrappers, some management books, old newspapers and magazines, a grubby sling, a bike helmet and a clutter of pens and papers are lying around. In the drawers, along with Biros and tights, is a BlackBerry box dating from a decade ago. The clues are not hard to decipher: I cycle, Ihurt my arm recently, I do not take proper lunch breaks and my job involves scanning publications for ideas.


It also tells you that I have been sitting in this very place for a long time.


In this, I am becoming increasingly unusual. More and more, the typical office desk has nothing on it, as the amount of time any given worker sits in a particular spot is one day. When hot desking was introduced some 15 years ago, no one thought it would ever catch on.


Now they do it in Whitehall, where earlier this year there was a minor scandal over workers queuing for desks. The civil service has a rule that there should be seven desks for every 10 workersyou do not need to be a mathematical genius to see the charm of this potential cost saving of 30 per cent. They do it at the BBC, where the desk shortage has been famously satirised in the comic television drama W1A. Even the governor of the Bank of England does it. When he took over the BoE, Mark Carney was so determined to be modern he took his laptop and went to squat at the desks of different departments (though he kept his own desk in his private office to fall back on).

现在,白厅(Whitehall)就采取这种做法,今年早些时候还闹出一桩小小的丑闻——在那里上班的人得排队使用办公桌。公务员系统有规定,要求每10人应配有7张桌子——你不必是个数学天才也能看出可能节省30%的成本挺不错的。英国广播公司(BBC)也这么干,电视喜剧《W1A》有段著名的情节就是讽刺该公司办公桌的短缺。甚至英国央行行长也这么干。执掌英国央行后,马克愠尼(Mark Carney)如此坚决地要做一个现代人,于是他带上笔记本到各个不同部门占用办公桌(尽管保险起见,他还保留着自己私人办公室的办公桌)。

Yet this vision of the worker, a nomad who wanders around clutching the tools of his trade, which seems so very modern, is not at all new. Hot-desking was a 16th-century phenomenon. The only difference was that scribes lugged the deskor deskearound with them from job to job. The deske was a legless wood box with a sloping top on which the scribe leaned as he wrote down the words of whoever hired him. The desks of both scribe and hot-desker tell a story of rootlessness, that they are brains for hire, and likely to move on whenever it suits them.


In the few hundred years between the deske and hotdesk, this piece of furniture has told a different story, which has been mainly about status.


The rule was simple: the larger it was and the more expensive the wood, the grander its occupant. The more the desk looked as if it might belong in a sitting room, the more distant its owner was pretending to be from the work itself, and therefore the greater the power.


The desk was also a physical way to establish distance. All visits to an executive office took place with the exec on one side of his mammoth slab of a desk, and the visitor on the other. This a the executive to pull all sorts of tricks to remind everyone who had the upper hand. I remember visiting Lord Weinstock in his office at General Electric in the early 1990s to find him sitting in a pool of light on his side, while the visitor was expected to sit in darkness.

桌子也是一种实实在在制造距离的方式。所有造访高管办公室的情景,都是高管在他巨大的桌子的一边,访客则处于另一边。这让高管可以使尽各种招数提醒所有人谁占了上风。我还记得上世纪90年代初造访温斯托克勋爵(Lord Weinstock)在GEC的办公室,我发现他坐在一片光亮之中,而来访者则要坐在黑暗里。

The early white-collar workers stood or perched on stools at high wooden desks in damp basements and garrets, where they were quite likely to contract tuberculosis as well as eye strain.


But then when the first big office building went up at the end of the 19th century, clerks were seated at identical desks, arranged in lines like in a factory. Nearly 150 years later, offices might have football tables, but little has changed in the basic layout. In most offices workers are crowded into identical desks arranged in lines.


But then hierarchies started to topple, and overt displays of power expressed through size of furniture were out. The modern corporate ethos is all about openness. So meetings are held at sofas on which host and guest perch awkwardly, apparently equal, side by side.


In modern companies the CEOs desk is likely to be identical in size and material to the desk of his PA (if he still has such a thing). No one believes this nod to equalitypay disparities are greater than ever, and the reverence shown to the top person is risingbut now it is vulgar to flaunt status through furniture.


The current way to use your desk to show off is by dispensing with your chair. Indeed, in a reversion to the earliest offices, standing is back in.


But this time it is not fashionable employers can pack people in, and save on the cost of a chairjust the opposite. Workers no longer stand as a sign that employers do not care about their wellbeing, but as evidence that they do.


Sitting, doctors will tell you, gives you diabetes, makes you obese and may kill you. Not only in fashionable companies such as Google and Facebook, the rows of people sitting at their desk are interrupted by people standing. Some of these desks are like normal ones on stilts, while others are elevator desks that can be either up or down depending on whether you feel like being on your feet or on your bottom.


Of higher status still is a treadmill desk, which allows you to do your spreadsheets while you walk on a moving loop of rubber. The message is not a subtle one and says: I care about fitness. I multitask, I do not waste a second of my valuable time. My company has spent a lot of money on me, and I dont care if the noise of me galumphing along is distracting my colleagues.


Yet even this is not the last word in status. Not long ago LinkedIn did a series about where itskey influencersworked. Here were lots of boring desks, many of them not unlike mine. But in the middle was a picture of Sir Richard Branson working with colleagues on a beach.

然而,即使如此,这也不是地位的终极象征。不久前,领英(LinkedIn)制作了一个具有 “关键影响力的人物”(key influencer)在哪里工作的系列活动。其中有很多乏味的桌子,很多和我的不无相像。但在中间有张理查德布兰森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)和同事们在沙滩上工作的照片。

This is the ultimate status symbol: not to have a desk at all.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

grant [grɑ:nt]


n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予
n. 财产

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

decipher [di'saifə]


vt. 译解

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

charm [tʃɑ:m]


n. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌
v. (使)陶

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

minor ['mainə]


adj. 较小的,较少的,次要的
n. 未成年

accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]


vi. 使自己适应
vt. 使一致,和解;提供

awkwardly ['ɔ:kwə:dli]


adv. 笨拙地


关键字: 办公桌 狄更斯




