Just over a decade ago I wrote a book about the rise and fall of 20th century Japanese finance. I later discovered that a pirated Chinese language copy had been produced.
Chinese regulators and bankers came to see me about the book and explained. “We want to understand what happened so we can be different,” the mantra went; Japan’s crazy 1980s bubble was being studied to show what policymakers should not do.
It is a point Beijing needs to relearn now, in relation not so much to Japan’s bubble, but to the aftermath. If you want to see what can happen when a government tries to prop up stock and land prices, Tokyo’s story is sobering. It shows that not only do interventions carry a financial cost (since they rarely work for long), but that they can be a lasting drag on investor psychology.
Consider the parallels. In the past two decades China has delivered impressively high economic growth by investing heavily to build an industrial export machine. This was supported by a bank-centred, state-controlled financial system that channelled cheap funding to favoured industries at the expense of consumers. The price of money, in other words, was set by autocratic fiat.
This is roughly what Japan also did in the decades after world war two (although such state control was more subtle and indirect in Japan than in China).
But Japan’s model changed from the 1970s onwards. As the country’s economy matured, Japanese companies had less need for bank-supplied cheap credit, and, as it grew wealthy, investors started hunting for places to put their cash. The government slowly started to move away from a bank-dominated, tightly controlled financial system towards something that had the trappings of capital markets open to the outside world. However, Japan’s pace of liberalisation was belated and uneven (if not downright arbitrary) and asset price bubbles developed as capital swirled around.
Monetary policy and exchange rate swings made the problem worse. So, by the end of the 1980s, stock and land prices had soared — in much the same way that they have in China, as Beijing has also tiptoed towards patchy liberalisation and embraced some capital market structures.
But the really important lesson is what happened next in Japan.
In December 1989, the Nikkei share index hit a peak of 38,915.87, but then tumbled, falling 60 per cent in the next two years. Japanese bureaucrats initially assumed this was just a temporary decline, so did not ask banks to reprice the value of their investments or loans. But then, as prices kept falling, the government tried to prop up asset prices, sometimes with explicit share purchases — but usually via more subtle forms of intervention (banks kept rolling over bad loans and big companies kept supporting each others’ share prices).
This worked — for a while. By the mid 1990s share prices seemed to have stabilised at lower levels. But in 1997, when news seeped out that the banks were sitting on massive unrecognised losses (which later totalled almost $1tn), a financial crisis erupted, and asset prices slid. By that point, the system was also plagued by a pernicious lack of trust.
After a decade of (largely futile) meddling, investors no longer believed that Japanese bureaucrats were as powerful as they had seemed in the decades after the second world war. But they did not have much faith in “market” prices either, since everyone knew these were being propped up. Japan was thus in a limbo: the traditional pillars of faith that once supported asset values had crumbled, but there was nothing else to replace them.
Nobody really knew the “clearing prices” of assets, as traders like to say, or how far prices might fall if markets were free. Investors were haunted by an uneasy fear that bad news could seep that would push prices down again.
Maybe China will avoid Japan’s mistakes; certainly some officials seem keen to try. But right now, the historical echoes are strong. This summer, the Chinese government has used an estimated $200bn to buy shares, and it is now seeking to intimidate investors to prevent share sales. Yet the markets have fallen by about 40 per cent from their peak. Faith in bureaucrats’ ability to underwrite prices is slipping, but trust in market mechanisms is also being undermined.
Better just hope, in other words, that Beijing remembers how dangerous it can be when nobody knows how to establish values and when there are no clearing prices, as it looks east across the sea.