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5.Google Logo Is A Rebel

The Google logo appears to be made of fairly humble, simple colors with no flashy font or symbols, but even simple colors can have a deep relation to company image. During the creation of the Google logo, designers wanted a way to display a sense of playfulness without bulky objects or symbols in the logo limiting what they could do. This was initially achieved by skewing some of the letters, but this idea was scrapped and instead focus was directed toward color. The current logo features a pattern of primary colors being broken with a single letter shown in the secondary color of green. The broken pattern represents playfulness and the idea that Google isn't a company that plays by the rules.
Google的logo看起来似乎平淡无奇,其设计没有太多花哨的字体或者符号,只是简单的用不同颜色的字母来组成,但是即使是如此简单的颜色也和公司的形象紧密联系。在Google这个logo的创作期间,设计师们想要找到一种方式使这个logo显示出自由活泼的感觉,让人感觉没有什么笨重的标志或者符号去限制他们去做什么。设计师们最早的想法是去抽象化一些字母,但是这个想法立马被放弃,反而把重点放在了对色彩的把握上。Google 的logo 所要表达的是一种打破常规的精神,表明Google并不是一个墨守常规的公司,其具有反叛精神和创造性。


4.Animal Planet Logo Is Feral



The Animal Planet logo used to be an elephant reaching out to a miniature Earth. An animal and a planet—that's simple enough. The channel relaunched in 2008 with the intention of appealing to a wider audience and the elephant-globe logo was replaced. With its relaunch, Animal Planet sought to rid itself of the slow and boring pace associated with documentaries for more primal and exciting programming, and they attempted to present a new logo to match. The new logo is said to represent instinct, with the shades of green bringing to mind images of a jungle and feelings of primal urges, emotion, and "animalistic boldness". That's a lot of feeling to be had from what is essentially the name of the channel with one letter turned sideways.


3.NBC Logo Makes Us Buy Stuff



Most people know that the NBC logo is a peacock; that part isn't a secret. But many fail to ask why the peacock is there in the first place. It was all a marketing trick to make people buy color televisions. At the time of the logo's development, NBC was owned by the electronics company Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Color televisions were just beginning to emerge and RCA wanted a way to show the public that the relatively high price of the units was worth the enhanced experience of viewing in color. They needed a logo that required color to be fully appreciated, reminding viewers with black-and-white units that they were missing out. Rainbows were rejected as too obvious, butterflies were too tame and eventually the peacock was selected, bringing with it the connotation that NBC was proud of its new color programming because of the then-common phrase "proud as a peacock".


2.The Amazon Logo Represents Diversity And Smiles



The Amazon logo looks fairly simple at first glance. The company's name,, in bold black lettering with a simple yellow line curving underneath. But what does that arrow represent? It's intended to be two things. It represents the smile customers should find on their faces after a great Amazon experience. The position of the yellow line forms a visible smile with each "a" in the word acting as the eyes.The yellow line is also an arrow, beginning at the first "a" and spanning over to "z". This signifies the diversity among Amazon's products—"everything from ‘a' to ‘z' "—as well as denoting a link to the diversity in the Amazon forest itself. At one point this logo was animated with the yellow arrow beginning at the "A" and slowly growing out towards the "z", but it was later changed for being too phallic.

第一眼看到亚马逊的logo 会觉得它简单得不能再简单了。整个logo就是用黑色加粗的字母组成公司的名字,然后在名字下面画了一条黄色曲线并带有箭头而已。但是这个logo到底代表什么呢?它代表了亚马逊希望客户在体验了一次亚马逊购物之旅之后会是微笑的,满意的。Logo上面的黄色曲线和单词里面的"a"字母组成了一个笑脸。这个黄色曲线也是一个箭头,从字母"a"一直跨越到 字母"z"。这个意味着在亚马逊的产品是多样性的,从"a"到"z"的产品都有,并且还意指到亚马逊公司本身也是多样化的公司。

1.The Pepsi Logo Represents Everything



The Pepsi logo is a simple circle. The top half is red, the bottom half is blue, and a wavy white line runs through the center. The colors intentionally represent the American flag, but that's just scratching the surface of this simple globe. Pepsi spent hundreds of millions on their current logo, which is very similar to their previous ones, but tweaked in a way that it (apparently) means a lot more.When submitting the new logo, the branding agency hired by Pepsi presented a 27-page document explaining the many, many connotations their design represented. According to this document the new logo represents the Earth's magnetic field, feng shui, Pythagoras, geodynamics, the theory of relativity, and plenty more. Makes you wonder if the logo is working as intended or if the branding company lied their way into a big fat check.

百事可乐的标志是一个简单的循环圈,上半部分是红色的,下半部分是蓝色的,中心是一条白色的波浪线。这个颜色搭配是为了代表美国国旗,但是这仅仅是简单的意思。百事可乐投放了大量的花费在他们现在的logo上面,这个logo非常类似他们之前的,但是这些调整显然意味着更多。当百事可乐雇佣的品牌机构提交新标识的时候,居然附加了长达27页的文档解释这个设计所代表的含义。 根据这个文档的说明,这个logo的设计还融入了地球磁场知识、风水文化、毕达哥拉斯定理、地球动力学、相对论等方面的东西,可谓是包罗万象。

翻译:曹秋会 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
boldness ['bəuldnis]


n. 大胆,冒失,显著

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

emerge [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

initially [i'niʃəli]


adv. 最初,开头

instinct ['instiŋkt]


adj. 充满的
n. 本能,天性,直觉

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的





