Southern Yangtze University
Southern Yangtze University(SYTU)is one of China's key universities of “Project 211”and functions directly under the Ministry of Education.With its profound cultural origin,the roots of the university date back to the year of 1902 when its predecessor San Jiang Normal School began its first term. More than a hundred years of construction and development has made SYTU a famous tomprehensive university with profound disciplines covering engineering,science,literature,economics,management,law,agriculture and education.

SYTU is located by the Lake of Taihu-a national scenery resort in the south of Wuxi,Jiangsu Province. The newly constructed university campus covers 208 hectares. It was designed and built with the concept of“Eco-campus",landscaped with beautiful greens,elegant gardens,unique bridges and tranquil streams.The completion of the whole campus construction is sure to provide the university a brand new stage to achieve a faster and sustainable development in near future.
The University library has 1 .86 million books and 1 .28 million electronic books.

SYTU consists of 18 schools and departments offering 60 specialties for undergraduate studies. It is entitled to confer master degrees in 59 programs,2 doctoral programs in the first level,13 doctoral programs in the second level and 2 postdoctor stations. There are 6 national and provincial key disciplines and a“National Talent Cultivation Base of Bioscience&Technology" together with 11 national and provincial key labs and research centers.
Now there are over 19 400 full-time undergraduates,3 500 graduate students,5 600 students for adult education or continual education,and 350 international students studying in the campus.
全日制在校本科学生19 400余人,研究生3 500人,成人继续教育学生5 600人以及留学生350人。
SYTU has a strong faculty team with excellent academic capability.Among 1 612 full-time faculty members,there are 3 academicians of China Academy of Engineering,1 professor specially invited on“Cheungkong Scholars Program",1 recipient of National Outstanding Youth Foundation,2 teachers selected into the national“Millions of Talents program" of the first level,3 State Young and Middle-age Experts with Outstanding Contributions and 9 recipients of Cross Century Talents Foundation under the Ministry of Education. The number of full and associate professors reaches up to nearly 700.
学校师资力量雄厚。现有专任教师1 612名,其中有中国工程院院士3名(2名双聘院士),长江学者特聘教授一名,国家杰出青年基金获得者一名,人选国家“百千万人才工程”第一层次专家2人,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家3人,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划人选9人,高级职称教师近700名。
Southern Yangtze University adheres to its Motto of“Diligent in learning and committed to doing till you are a perfect being”and with its centennial achievements of several distinguishing disciplines, is now striving for even greater success in the new century to become a high level comprehensive university of global reputation.
1902 San Jiang Normal School,the predecessor of Southern Yangtze University,was founded.
1928 The school developed as National Central University.
1949 The university developed as Nanjing University.
1952 With a nationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education,the school became the Food Industry Department of Nanjing Institute of Technology.
1958 The Department moved to Wuxi and developed as Wuxi Institute of Light Industry.
1995 The Institute was renamed Wuxi University of Light Industry.
2001 Wuxi University of Light Industry,Jiangnan Institute,Wuxi Education Institute incorporated to form Southern Yangtze University.