My dinner party last night was great fun. Everyone came, including friends I haven't seen in ages. Shawna and her husband Dave came, Danielle and boyfriend Roland were there, and Chris and Ten, even Anna showed up.

I didn't think she would come because she has been so obsessed with her new boyfriend. But she told me yesterday that it's not going very well anyone ans she think he is going to breat up with her soon.
Poor Anna, she likes him a lot and she looked so down last night. She's usually so energetic and bubbly. Ieven took the plunge and invited Sean. He already knows Chris and Jen, so I don't think he would be too uncomfortable.
He was very happy to accept my invitation and he showed up with two bottles of wine--one red, one white. He said he didn't know what I was cooking so he thought he'd bring both. How thoughtful is that? I am becoming more and more impressed with him every day.
The best part is that all my friends liked him and he made a real effort to get to know everyone. I'm glad he fit in with us because it's important that my friends like him if I am going to continue dating him.