Angling to get the abs of a Victoria's Secret model? One personal trainer insists that sticking to sit-ups won't get you there.
Trainer Joslyn Thompson Rule said that crunches and sit-ups are not the way to tone your tummy, and even buckling down and doing up to 500 a day is unlikely to get you closer to your six-pack goals.

'Just doing sit-ups alone won't get you rock hard abs because you're only working to strengthen one singular area, which is like trying to build the outer layers of a house with no foundations underneath,' she explained.
So what exactly do sit-ups do? Joslyn said they work your 'external muscles', but don't actually build up the core or the obliques that give you that washboard look.
That means that unless you're doing sit-ups as part of a greater work-out routine - like with cardio and planks - you shouldn't expect to see any visible results when looking at your tummy in the mirror.
Joslyn also stressed the importance of a healthy diet, which is the foundation of looking more muscular in the middle. Exercise - even when you're doing more ab-effective workouts - can only go so far if you're not eating right.