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An expert group recommended on Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration approve a powerful new drug to protect against heart attacks. If approved, it would be the first in a major new class of medicines in a generation that significantly lower levels of cholesterol, the leading cause of heart disease.

周二,一批专家建议美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)批准一种预防心肌梗死的强效新药。如果获得批准,该药物将成为一个新的重要药物类别中,最近二三十年获批的首例药物。此类药物能大幅降低胆固醇水平,而胆固醇是心脏病的主要诱因。
Dr. Joshua W. Knowles, a Stanford cardiologist, called the medicinesa triumph of the modern genetic revolution.”
斯坦福大学(Stanford)的心脏病学专家约书亚·W·诺尔斯(Joshua W. Knowles)博士称,这些药物是“现代基因革命的一次胜利”。

The idea for such drugs arose from genetic studies about a decade ago and has tantalized cardiologists ever since. Early results of clinical trials raised hopes that the therapies would be critical new additions to the treatment arsenal for those at risk of heart disease, the biggest killer of Americans.

People who have taken them have seen their LDL cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol, plunge to remarkably low levels. But definitive evidence of the drugseffectiveness in reducing heart attacks and deaths will only come after large clinical trials are completed in 2017.
The panel, in a 13 to 3 vote, recommended the approval of Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticalsdrug, alirocumab. On Wednesday, the committee will turn to Amgens drug, evolocumab. The F.D.A. usually follows the recommendations of its advisory panels, but not always. The agency says that if it approves the drugs based on their effects on cholesterol, the approval will not be rescinded even if trials now underway fail to show the drugs reduce the risk of heart attacks and deaths.
这个专家委员会以13比3的投票结果,建议批准赛诺菲(Sanofi)和瑞泽恩制药公司(Regeneron Pharmaceuticals)的药物alirocumab。周三,这个委员会将开始评估美国安进公司(Amgen)的药物evolocumabFDA通常会听取咨询委员会的建议,但也并非总是如此。该机构表示,如果根据它们降低胆固醇的效果而批准了这些药物,那么即使目前进行的试验无法证明它们能降低心脏病和死亡风险,批准的决定也不会被撤销。
Once a drug is approved doctors can prescribe it to patients other than those for whom it was intended, although insurers generally will not pay.
The drugs are injected every two weeks or once a month, depending on the formulation. The companies are asking that they be approved for use in three groups: patients with high levels of LDL cholesterol who cannot lower it enough with statins, the mainstay drug for cholesterol lowering first introduced in the late 1980s; people at very high risk because they have already had a heart attack or have diabetes and cannot get their levels low enough with statins; and people with high levels of LDL who cannot tolerate statins. Doctors often aim for LDL levels of 70 for people at high risk.
The problem for the expert group was to decide if there was enough evidence to approve the Sanofi drug without waiting for results from the large clinical trials. Those who voted no said drugs should not be approved until clinical trials establish their efficacy, and voiced the worry that people participating in the trials would drop out once the drugs were approved so they could be sure to get the medicine, not a placebo.
We need clinical outcomes,” said Dr. Peter Wilson of Emory University.
“我们需要临床结果,”埃默里大学(Emory University)的皮特·威尔森(Peter Wilson)博士说。
Some on the panel felt comfortable recommending approval only for a narrow group of people with a genetic condition, heterozygousfamilial hypercholesterolemia, who cannot control their cholesterol with statins alone. Others favored allowing use of the drug by the much larger group of people at high risk of heart disease for whom statins are insufficient.
The groups chairman, Dr. Robert J. Smith of Brown University, argued for broader availability of the drugs. He said he sees patients in his own practice with out of control cholesterol who are at very high risk because, for example, they have already had a heart attack. Two years is a long time for them to wait for clinical trial findings. “I am unwilling to subject patients to that wait,” Dr. Smith said.
委员会主席、布朗大学(Brown University)的罗伯特·J·史密斯(Robert J. Smith)博士呼吁在更大范围内提供这种药物。他说,自己在行医过程中看到,一些胆固醇水平失控的患者处境十分危险,原因是他们可能已经患过心梗。为了临床试验结果再等待两年对他们来说太漫长了。“我不愿意让病人就这么等着,”史密斯博士说。
The companies and many independent cardiologists say they have reason to believe the drugs will perform as expected. Lowering LDL cholesterol has generally been found to protect against heart disease. And, they say, the drugs were designed to mimic mutations in a gene, PCSK9, that protects people from getting heart disease, even if they smoke or have high blood pressure.
But the drugs have caused trepidation among insurers and others who would have to pay the bills because the drugs are certain to be expensiveperhaps $10,000 a yearand millions of people are likely to qualify to take them if they are approved for the broader group. Sanofi estimates that 11 million Americans might qualify. Amgen puts the number at eight million.
So far, it looks like just about everyone who takes the new drugs responds. LDL cholesterol levels plunge by 40 to 65 percent, even if the starting level was achieved with a statin.
Safety studies so far have found the drugs seem to have no more side effects than a placebo but the large clinical trials are needed to get more substantial information.
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies see the tantalizing prospect of multibillion dollar blockbuster drugs, and are racing to get them to market as rapidly as possible. Sanofi bought an F.D.A.-backed voucher for $67.5 million that gave them an expedited review. The company says the F.D.A. agreed to decide whether to approve their drug by July 24. Amgen, which did not pay, expects an answer by Aug. 27, the company says. Pfizer also has a drug in this new class but it is further behind in development.
Then there is the question of cost. The new drugs, like many new cancer drugs, are monoclonal antibodies, produced from living cells at great expense. The companies will not say what they plan to charge. But Dr. William Shrank, chief scientific officer at CVS Health, estimates they will cost $7,000 to $12,000 a year.
还有成本的问题。这些新药就像许多新型抗癌药物一样,是单克隆抗体,它们是以高昂的成本用活体细胞制造的。这些公司不愿透露药品未来的定价。但CVS健康公司(CVS Health)的首席科学官威廉·史兰克(William Shrank)估计,服用这种药物一年将需要7000至1.2万美元。
If drugs were restricted to those with dangerously high cholesterol levels who cannot get their LDL low enough with statins, the cost would be $16 billion, he estimated. If people who are intolerant to statins are included, that would add another $20 billion. If people with a history of heart disease are included, the bill for the drugs rises another $150 billion.
Managed pharmacy care, indeed the health care system, has never seen a challenge like this to our resilience in absorbing costs,” Dr. Shrank wrote in Health Affairs.
史兰克在健康事务(Health Affairs)网站上写道:“保健药学管理体系吸收成本的能力,实际上整个卫生体系吸收成本的能力,都没有遇到过这样的严峻挑战。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

trepidation ['trepi'deiʃən]


n. 恐惧,惊惶,忧虑



n. 心脏病学家;心脏病科医师

insufficient [.insə'fiʃənt]


adj. 不足的

tolerate ['tɔləreit]


vt. 容忍,忍受

efficacy ['efikəsi]


n. 功效

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制





