The International Monetary Fund delivered a valuable imprimatur of respectability to Beijing last week, when it declared that its exchange rate was probably no longer undervalued. The assessment was not a surprise: respected independent outfits such as the Peterson Institute and the consultancy Oxford Economics have been saying similar for a while.
国际货币基金组织(IMF)近日宣布人民币汇率很可能不再被低估,这相当于对北京的声誉予以了宝贵的认可。这样的评估结果不算出人意料:包括彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute)与咨询机构牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)在内,许多受尊敬的独立机构一段时间以来就一再表达了类似的看法。
The judgment increases the already rising probability that the renminbi might be included in the units that make up Special Drawing Rights (SDR), commonly though inaccurately known as the IMF’s currency, when the composition of the basket is reassessed later this year. Some regard this as a pivotal moment in the internationalisation of the renminbi. But history suggests that, while it may be symbolically important, membership of the SDR is neither necessary nor sufficient for the renminbi’s acceptance as a global reserve currency.
The SDR asset, sometimes likened to a monetary Esperanto, is a peculiar creature. Created in the 1960s to meet the world’s demand for reserve assets when the dollar — constrained by its link to gold — could not do so, that rationale disappeared when the Bretton Woods system collapsed in the early 1970s. Since then, even after the creation of $250bn in SDRs in 2009 to boost reserves and liquidity during the global financial crisis, they make up less than 4 per cent of non-gold global official foreign exchange reserves, less than half the level in the 1970s.
SDR资产是一种奇特的产物,有时被比喻为货币领域的世界语。它诞生于上世纪60年代,目的是满足世界对储备资产的需求,因为当时美元受制于与黄金挂钩无法担当此任。然而,当布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods)于上世纪70年代初瓦解后,这种理由也就不存在了。从那时起,包括在2009年新增2500亿美元SDR以提振全球金融危机期间的储备和流动性之后,其在全球官方非黄金外汇储备中所占的比例都不到4%,还不到上世纪70年代水平的一半。
This renders the SDR largely irrelevant except in a minor role as an accounting unit: the basket of four currencies that compose it — the dollar, the euro, the yen and sterling — is occasionally used to value internationally traded goods. There is no liquid private market in SDR assets and to use SDRs for intervention or other purposes first requires them being broken down into their constituent currencies.
A few years ago Zhou Xiaochuan, then governor of the People’s Bank of China, called for the SDR to become a super-sovereign reserve currency. That call was treated respectfully as a contribution to the global monetary governance debate in much of the world. In the US, probably correctly, it was regarded as part of China’s campaign to get other countries to bail it out of its own lopsided reserve accumulation policies by allowing Beijing to transform its dollar-denominated reserves into SDRs without selling its dollars on the open market.
The renminbi’s potential addition to the SDR, whose basket is reviewed every five years, carries risks for the credibility of the asset itself. If the unit is to take off as a reserve and indeed privately held asset, it will need to develop a deep and liquid market. This may not be assisted by the addition of a currency like the renminbi which, though its use has been growing rapidly, is still not much traded in foreign exchanges and which has a very small share of global bond markets and cross-border bank lending.
It is not at all clear that the renminbi meets the IMF’s requirement to be “freely usable”. The renminbi is neither fully convertible nor free-floating, remaining subject to capital controls and opportunistic open market intervention. The inclusion of illiquid currencies has weakened the SDR in the past. To make it tractable at all, the IMF membership had to whittle the basket down from its original sixteen currencies in the 1970s to five after 1981, later compressed to four as the D-Mark and the French franc were subsumed into the euro.
As for the renminbi itself, it would undoubtedly get a symbolic boost to its credibility by being invited into the SDR basket with the big kids. But reserves managers around the world are conservative and independent characters, and are unlikely to outsource their assessment of what constitutes a liquid and reliable currency to a politically influenced process at the IMF. They are much more likely to want to hold renminbi assets if they know they can be bought and sold easily and quickly and that the value of the currency is not going to be jerked around by political meddling.
Precautionary reserves are held for the purposes of market intervention, not to earn a return, so deep and liquid markets are leading concerns. SDR membership is neither necessary nor sufficient for reserve asset status. The Swiss franc, for example, is quite widely held as a reserve currency (certainly relative to the size of the Swiss economy) without being in the SDR basket.
Researchers at Citi asked official reserves managers recently if they agreed that SDR membership would increase their willingness to hold renminbi assets (Citi economists themselves are bullish on the issue). On average they found the answer somewhere between “agree” and “neither agree nor disagree”: not nothing, but unlikely to be a major influence.
As it happens, perhaps unexpectedly, the euro may serve as an example of reserves management reality overcoming symbolism. Upon its launch in 1999, the euro was often predicted to rival the dollar as a global reserve asset, eliminating the exchange rate risk between different European currencies and forming the basis of a large and unified pool of assets.
In practice, the euro’s share of reported global reserves, after rising to around a quarter, stalled and then somewhat fell back. The inept management of the euro crisis may be a factor, as may the fact that the eurozone sovereign bond market remains fractured into liquid safe assets (Bunds) and riskier instruments (most of the rest). But even before the crisis, the habit of European politicians in trying to talk down the euro whenever they considered it to be threatening their exports caused amused head-shaking by their American counterparts, who regarded the hands-off “strong dollar” policy as integral to the greenback’s status as a reserve currency. (Of course, it remains to be seen what effect on confidence will have the campaigns of quantitative easing in all four SDR currency areas, with consequent large swings in exchange rates, albeit without forex intervention.) China is likely to keep the nominal renminbi-dollar rate stable between now and the decision on the SDR at the end of the year, but is unlikely to eschew various forms of meddling indefinitely.
China has been moving, sometimes slowly and jerkily, towards turning the renminbi into a floating convertible currency and a reserve asset. The prospect of SDR membership may encourage that process, or at least help to lock in what progress has been made so far. But it seems unlikely, by and of itself, to make a material difference to whether renminbi-denominated assets become a major part of the world’s foreign exchange reserves in the medium term.