On Friday, the mood was one of celebration. Giddy at his victory in Fifa’s presidential election, Sepp Blatter stood while dozens of his jubilant supporters hugged, kissed and even lifted him off his feet.
上周五充满了庆祝的氛围。塞普•布拉特(Sepp Blatter)连任国际足联主席,他站在那里,数十名喜气洋洋的支持者拥抱他、亲吻他,甚至把他从地面上举起来。
But the signs of his demise were there to be seen. After 17 years under his control, Fifa was threatening to split at the seams.

Michel Platini, the former French footballer who led the charge against Mr Blatter, darted for the exit, as did many other heavyweights of world football.
原法国球员米歇尔•普拉蒂尼(Michel Platini)暗示将退出国际足联执委会,其他国际足球界的大佬们也有此意。
Those who stayed to celebrate with Mr Blatter were the representatives of small countries, those who had benefited most from his largesse and who had pulled him through Fifa’s darker hours in return. “We are so happy!” cried a group of African delegates, anticipating four more years of the high life.
Their celebrations were shortlived. Only four days later, Mr Blatter announced his resignation as allegations of corruption among senior Fifa executives refused to die away, leaving the organisation in crisis and the future of its world cup competitions in doubt. Mr Blatter’s skill in playing to smaller countries and seeing off Europe and the US had exposed the faultlines in football and have left Fifa’s credibility in shreds.
Jeffrey Webb),如今已在瑞士被捕。米歇尔•普拉蒂尼长期以来一直是热门人选,但欧足联(
Ali bin Al-