Chinese real estate company Sunac has terminated its proposed acquisition of Kaisa, the troubled Shenzhen-based property developer that defaulted on its US-dollar bonds.
Sunac just told the HKEx it will not purchase 2.6bn shares as proposed:
On 26 May 2015, the Sellers, the Offeror, the Guarantors and the Company entered into a Termination Agreement to terminate the Sale and Purchase Agreement with immediate effect.

Accordingly, the Share Purchase will not proceed and the Share Offer, the Option Offer and the CB offer as initially disclosed in the Joint Announcement will also not proceed. The offer period for Kaisa is closed on the date of this announcement, i.e. 28 May 2015.
Morgan Stanley has also tendered its resignation as financial adviser in the terminated deal.
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)也已正式提出辞任该被终止交易的财务顾问。
Sunac said "certain conditions" have not been fulfilled. The termination agreement calls for the sellers — Kaisa's Kwok family — to refund a HK$1.6bn pre-payment fee by May 29, and another HK$1.6bn by December 28. Kwok Ying Shing, who resigned as Kaisa chairman in December but returned a month ago, "has provided personal guarantee as primary obligor."
融创中国表示,收购的“若干先决条件”并未达成。该终止协议要求卖方——即佳兆业的郭氏家族——在5月29日前退还预付款中的16亿港元,另外16亿港元在12月28日前退还。郭英成(Kwok Ying Shing)“作为主要义务人提供了个人担保。”郭英成曾于去年12月辞任佳兆业董事长,但1个月之后恢复原职。
Sunac shares have been suspended from trading since May 15 pending an announcement, They are set to resume trading today at the Hong Kong open.